Auto pickup shards

I think so aswell, i just wanted to make an account here to write that issue with the shards aswell. I would also love to see like in BDO a pet collecting them from the ground would be super good (but pls dont make them pay2win)


Oh hey it’s this post again.

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I think they should make enemies not immediately despawn on death and we should have to spend a minute harvesting the shards from their bodies instead.


Im fully aware of how the system works, however aside from bosses and those rare occasions where a elite pack drops a bunch together your still clicking scattered shards all over the place hundreds of times per session, multiply that by an entire league season cycle whatever u call it here. Completely unnecessary to do this, they arent items you filter or pass up, even though I pass up common ones now because they are out of the way which is precisely the issue here.


I really hope you are kidding, thats sadistic as fuck. This isnst Monster Hunter hahaha.

Yep, as long as this absurd mechanic is in the game we’ll keep seeing those posts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Unfortunately, i don’t see a “Vote”-Button for this important topic, so please consoder my reply a “+1 vote” - -i would very much appreciate an auto-pickup-feature for shards!

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“I have to pick up items in a loot focused game” isn’t something I’d describe as absurd, but setting that aside, there doesn’t need to be a new post on this every other day when there are plenty of posts already complaining about it for people who don’t like it to participate in. Making a new one is just spam.

Given the recent influx of players and new feedback, we have recently discussed this again in a game design meeting. We are not interested in implementing this at this time. We may discuss it again internally but do not expect this to change by launch.

We believe that it’s important for the feel of the game loop to have enemies fairly frequently drop items that you want to take an active action to pick up, but which you don’t have to take time to inspect to work out whether it’s good for you. However there are times where it feels bad at the moment, especially when it’s just one shard, so we’re planning to have them drop slightly less frequently and in larger groups on average. We’re also planning to add more of a sink for shards you don’t want, so that it feels less futile to have picked up a shard that you aren’t planning to use and already have hundreds of.


That’s awesome Mike. Any thoughts on making the diameter range of the pick up a little larger?

Pretty sure I saw something to do with that going in recently.


There should also be a timing minigame and if you miss you don’t get any shards. If you miss three times in a row you fail the echo.

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I can understand that. But is there a reason why the team don’t consider moving to the shards an active action?

To me, moving to the shards is an active action that fits the gameplay flow and thus feels good. Conversely clicking on a bit of orange text that I don’t have time to read breaks the core gameplay flow… which is why it feels bad.


After 5th fail the game auto uninstalls and Diablo 3 is installed in its place as punishment.

I like the idea of an active action button you can use to pick up shards near you, but then it moves to how do we prevent the player from having to constantly spam this, or making a macro that constantly presses it. Is there a cooldown on it? Would that feel worse?

I think just providing the option to make the shards easier to click is a good middle ground. I personally would like a 5 second cooldown button that will pick up shards. Enough that macroing it is not perfect but still useable.

Thats great and all and I dont mean to sound douchy but doesnt the general consensus of the community playing the game for hundreds or even thousands of hours hold more weight than the feel of the people developing the game. Im guessing you all are very busy and almost certainly dont actively play like we do. Theres nothing pleasant or fruitful feeling about this, it was the one thing I hated about poe, having to click on hundreds of thousands of currency items. At the absolute least you should significantly increase the vacuum radius. Also adding in sinks of any kind is really not a solution to this.


I guess I’m just looking for the Grim Dawn gameflow where after fight you zip around the map and the bulk loot flies to you. You still need to take an action… but its that case the action just feels like controlling your character in the game… rather than an immersion breaking ‘click on text’ action that we currently have.

Not Mike, obviously, but A) No, it doesn’t, and B) That’s not the general consensus of the community.

Currency items in POE and affix shards in LE are absolutely not comparable to each other.

While we’re on this topic again. I thought of a unique idea for a “loot goblin” while in monoliths.

There’s a crystal of a specific group of shards (say a purple crystal that has void damage, void pen, and +level of various void skills) and you start the process of mining it to break it down to shards. Once you begin mining it waves of enemies spawn to stop you.

Could be one of the fun distraction events added to monoliths and intrinsically ties out with the systems already in place. (Don’t know the lore for crafting shards though)

Edit: also the shard pickup at the end would be a little reminiscent of lightless arbor. I would also remove the shard shrine when this gets added.

It’s not a general consensus though.

To be fair, they are equivalent within their own crafting schema.