As melee, Empowered Monoliths feel like D4's launch-state Nightmare Dungeons (Feedback)

For anyone trying to make sense of this thread, here is the TLDR.

Someone posts a “I suck, but here are the reasons my sucking shouldn’t be considered in my argument for making the game easy” post. OP then commits to an ill fated attempt at sounding intelligent and ignorant at the same time.

Numerous people jump into the fray with “yes, you are correct you suck” and “I have something to say that has nothing to do with OP sucking”.

I think that’s pretty much it.


You are confusing a skill check with a knowledge check.

The TLDR is that you gotta respect the trash in this game enough to learn them.

I’m not confused about anything. It’s apparent from this thread that some people want things brainless and easy and some don’t. Yet others chime in with meaningless drivel. Where’s the confusion in that?

hey wait, i do that all the time

So do I, but I’ll never admit it.

You’re next in line. Carry on the mantle buddy :+1:

This thread is henceforth about spam.

melee is no go in this game, absolitely no go. the weakest melee ever saw in an aRPG, and play all of them since Diablo 1.



Eh, not so sure about that. I have more than a handful of melee characters, and all of them have handled 350+ corruption with relative ease.

Now, the thing that we’ll see is that, as you get higher into corruption(or Arena levels), the number of viable builds will dwindle, until we’re only left with a couple of (arguably) OP builds, that may…or may not…include a melee (depending on what mechanic is currently being abused).


And people need to understand, that a game being not your vibe is not the same as “game is unbalanced and needs to be changed”

I have a friend who thinks valorant is the most shitty game in existence, its unbalanced, feels bad to play, and is trash.

He is just objectively wrong, the game is not for him, thats perfectly reasonable its okay to say “I dont like this, its not for me”

its wrong to say “I dont like this, therefor its poorly made and needs to be updated to avoid said issue”

And no, you are just a crybaby. my most played mastery is paladin, a melee mastery. You again just picked a melee mastery that requires lots of skill and playing your flameward/ward uptime.

one of my other most played characters is primalist, another melee centric class that has tons of defensive options for getting in.

you picked a glass cannon, got blown up, and are mad about it.

No one needs 10, 15, or 1000 hours to have an opinion. just like someone who has never cooked can have opinions on the cooking process that does not mean anyone has to actually respect your opinion.

Except when…

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I wanted to add that there are some mobs that take reduced damage from afar or do more damage from far which seems to be EHG’s beginning attempts to address the disparity at the very least.

I remember there were some mobs from either POE or D4 that had a barrier which made it so you had to enter within the barrier to harm them. Now I’m not sure if I want that in LE but something to that effect?

What? You don’t like “Kid friendly foods rich in nutrition & flavor” recipes with 1659mg of sodium per serving ?
Come on kids! Time to enrich your blood pressure with this yummy-tasty breakfast! :smiley:

I enjoy the bullet time idea in concept but since it’s a multiplayer game you can’t add this to solos really, unfortauntely.

I do like the 2nd idea more practically. Taking less damage after a melee attack, something minor but useful, would be nice.

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