As melee, Empowered Monoliths feel like D4's launch-state Nightmare Dungeons (Feedback)

There can and should be a discussion about melee vs ranged. However, being hyperbolic and saying it was as bad as d4 launch doesn’t help the conversation. There’s already many mechanics in place that shows EHG has this issue in mind with many of the rare mob types. The burden of being accurate is on the OP if he’s going to complain and make hyperbolic statements without sufficient experience to back it up. And there’s nothing wrong with being wrong. Many felt like trolling him because he can’t take criticism or deal with people who have different opinions.

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Agreed, although melee class can currently handle the endgame, they still need to strengthen

Please elaborate. I’ve never died with Flame Ward up.

Either does misrepresenting facts. This comparison wasn’t hyperbolic. The entire point of the thread was that they are eerily comparable. As I said in my response to Kain, melee in LE play and suffer from the exact same issues D4 melee did in NMDs at launch.

You can’t possibly have an honest conversation when people are being this dishonest.

Because that would be false? I’ve never came out saying I’m some end game god. I have no problem admitting I haven’t pushed the edges. But I did engage in the endgame and I have done empowered monoliths. At the very least, I have done the game at similar levels to where OP is currently comparable to when I used to play. You can question my credibility if I’m making some grand statements about endgame but I have not. It doesn’t take an endgame genius to realize you need to cap crit avoidance or take reduced damage from crits. Besides, what did I do to tickle your nuts?

Show me where I was dishonest or misrepresenting facts and I’ll show you where you were being a douchebag. Deal?

Bro, just please go away. You are an absolute troll.

I think limiting off-screen attacks would help melee immensely. Yes, I realize this affects ranged, too, but ranged doesn’t have the gap penalty melee does.

Slightly increase the cast time on telegraphed AoE abilities, and/or shrink the radius to help melee get outta dodge quicker. The radius on some of these abilities is just absurd.

Limiting the frequency of attacks by certain NPC abilities would also help. Osprix Lightmages, for example, will just straight up spam their ranged abilities without pause.

Alternatively, fix the delay that occurs on traversal use, and the delay that occurs when attempting to stop attacking before moving. If my character was more responsive during these periods, that would also help a lot.

I think the points you mention: survivability and mobility are easy fixes also. An inherent run speed increase or damage reduction would be good too.

What are you smoking?

That’s funny you’re asking me to go away after going back and forth with me :roll_eyes:

A couple of middle aged men ranting at each other over some simplistic video game.
This is getting embarrassing for you two.

Haha touché.

No matter of what I might think of how the OP phrases his points - a valid point is a valid point.

Yes, they should probably have a bit of a cooldown, where they cast something else.

More responsive actions would be great. But from my experience, ranged characters suffer from this just the same. I’m getting too §%*! old and slow to benefit from it, anyway. I need Mr McTanky as a character who doesn’t need to dodge as much :smiley:

I mean, it is what it is. I’ve had respectful conversations here with people who behave respectfully. The problem is those people are few and far between.

I’ll say I think there would have to be other changes to ensure the game remains balanced, but this is actually my biggest issue with melee. By far. Melee is very clunky.

Yes, but it’s not as bad. There are many mechanics in place that tries to address the disparity. There’s mobs that teleports and backstabs you, there are rare mob affixes that takes less damage from ranged and deals more damage against ranged opponents. Some talent trees that are obviously ranged have less defensive options. Some talent trees have built in defense in passives that helps with increasing tankiness. If anything, getting one shotted from off screen doesn’t just affect melee. It hurts ranged characters more.

Then there’s those mobs that have mechanics that hurt you when you’re nearby. At any point in the game, if you scale enough then no amount of defense will help you and that’s where ranged damage becomes king. D4 took this mentality to the max with higher tier NMs where the meta was kill everything before you get one shotted. Again, for those keeping track, I’ve never reached that point nor am I close right now. But it’s common sense and anyone who has played any lick of ARPGs knows this.

TLDR - there’s a disparity between melee and ranged, but not nearly as bad as D4 was. At least, LE has bigger issues right now (underperforming masteries, i.e. spellblade)

You have a very different definition of what respectful is :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry, what? How does being one-shot by a mob that I’m not even aware of an indication that a telegraph was involved? You do realize that not all ranged attacks have telegraphs, right? You also realize that a big part of the argument here is with regards to both ranged AoE attacks and point blank AoE attacks (aka short-range AoE attacks), right? Did you even read the first sentence of my post?

In other words, it’s completely possible to be one-shot off screen by an un-telegraphed range attack that affects both melee and ranged but still be disadvantaged as a melee who has to deal with both long-range and short-range AoE attacks.

The level of mental gymnastics people go through to disagree is astounding when it’s really this easy to see common ground to agree on. This is why you get what you get from me.

Also, are you aware that some ranged classes have the ability to kill mobs off-screen? They don’t even have to set foot on the same map tile to succeed. Do you want to talk about that?

Personally, I can’t think of ranged attacks that come from off-screen that aren’t telegraphed by some effect on the ground or by reasonably slow-moving projectiles. Some effects are less visible than others, though - depending on the floor. I died multiple times to some spine (moon?) on a bright floor, for example, because I didn’t notice the effect with all the other stuff that was going on.

But maybe I’m wrong - happens from time to time. May I ask which monster(s)?

Not a single archer or ballistae-based mob has a telegraph. Ice cicle spam from various mob types also does not have a telegraph. Poison attacks from creepers (the small ones, not the big ones that shoot poison all over the map) do not have a telegraph either.

Oh, and how can I forget one of the deadliest: the Wengari Axe Thrower does not have a telegraph either.

These are just a few examples off the top of my head, but let me be very clear: a single telegraph is absolutely not the issue here.

They probably took the its to easy feedback to litterly. I was one shot multiple times in corruption 100 purely due to latency on cycles server. I even been rubberbanded back into hits. Think irs a server issue