As melee, Empowered Monoliths feel like D4's launch-state Nightmare Dungeons (Feedback)

they ignored my “level 2 trust” authority

Thats more gold for me.

That’s funny. Bro get off your high horse and learn that gasp people can have different opinions :scream: I’d hate to know you in real life. How tiring it must be to work with/live with/know you when anyone and everyone who disagrees with you gets your stinking attitude :man_facepalming:

I’m not above personal insults, but that’s literally all you have. Thanks for playing.

I won’t ignore you if you’re level 3…?

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Know the definition of “literally”. You mean figuratively, because anyone objective can read my first post and realize I was actually polite and constructive. You reap what you sow. Treat others like shit, expect to be treated like shit.


You have 84% crit avoidance, so… yeah, 16% of the time you will be crit. How is it a surprise you get sometimes one-shotted ? You’re complaining about the inconsistency of damage… well, that’s why.

Also, you should not do a p*ss contest about your build when you have terrible gear. Not “not optimized” : terrible.

  • You have T16 (!!!) gloves with a t2 (10-14%) physical resistance suffix.
  • T16 boots, with a t4 crit avoidance suffix (which takes a very valuable spot)
  • Even the T19 chest is an undergear for a level 96.

Before posting two dozens (!!!) messages arguing about the unfairness and inconsistency of damage at high level, maybe you should take that time to upgrade juuust a little bit your gear ?

Sure, melee are at disadvantage and subpar. That’s well known already. But EM content (at a decent corruption) is totally doable for a melee character. But often, you want at least t21 gear, if not more with sealed or t7 affixes. You also don’t want to use an entire affix for 12% phys res. And just a little bump in EHP (because you only have 1700 for cold…) would do miracle, even if you focus on ward.

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:roll_eyes: And he was saying?

For what it’s worth, I haven’t reached endgame yet for this patch so anyone can go ahead and dismiss my “opinion”. However, be honest about your experience and have an accurate gauge of where YOUR knowledge and credibility lies, especially if you’re going to get to 90+ without crit avoidance capped and WONDER why you got one shotted 1 out of 11 EMs.

I can break 100% crit avoidance. I’m currently running below cap because it’s running smoothly for the current content I’m doing. The resists showing on the build planner are not right for some reason, either. Only Void is vastly overcapped because of the ring. The others are overcapped only slightly.

The problems are still occurring even with capped crit avoidance. I can also increase armor to almost double what this build shows.

Your comments on the individual gear pieces make no sense. These are EM drops with stats optimized to fit the whole. Tyrant and Arcane pieces have trash affixes for Spellblade. Mystic Plate is what I usually slot there for armor and crit avoidance.

RNG is RNG, though. Acting like I can simply choose the perfect gear at will is unrealistic. I configure for the results, not pieces.

That said, I never claimed EMs weren’t “doable”. That is obviously not the case because I am progressing through them efficiently. You make it sound like I should already have perfectly capped gear to run EMs for perfectly capped gear. Please elaborate.

Also, it’s crazy to me how people will literally agree with me that melee is trash, then proceed to argue with me about it. This is at least the 2nd or 3rd time this has occurred. We clearly agree on the message here.

I am actually learning a ton about how to prep for high level corruptions from this thread. My mage is only 70 atm.

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Where did I say that ?

I said that T16 gloves and boots are absolutely undergear for a level 96. And yeah, using a valuable boot suffix for 12% phys res (instead of hybrid health, for example).

If you took half the time you did for arguing everyone here, you already would have a nice pair of exalted boots that you can craft upon. Just by targeting the right mono, OR using trade, OR using fortune, you would have something way better than t16 boots / gloves. Which, by the way, have the most valuable affixes slots (with helmets).

I never talked about perfect gear. That would be absurd since it’s absolutely impossible to have BiS (best-in-slot) gear. There is quite a gap between saying to you “You should have perfect gear” and “You have items that does not fit AT ALL on a level 96 character”.

Please learn the difference between affixes and implicits… Where was I talking about the base type of the gear ?

Fine, let’s pretend you’re right : you capped crit avoidance, you can double the armor that is on your sheet (so you can get up to 2k, which reduces by 37% phys dmg and 25% other types). At which corruption do you get one-shotted ? How much ward have you consistently ? I’m not talking about your peak (since you opted for Uleros and doubled-down on “ward on potion”, which is a bit questionable but whatever) but what kind of amount do you have in average ?

I agree that melee is a bit weaker at very high corruption. But of course, you instantly get hyperbolic and don’t accept any nuance. People are pointing out the fact that your original message, the one that says that “Melee sucks” and the game “becomes this tedious, frustrating, and simply put, not fun at endgame”, is 1) a childish exageration, 2) just look like a frustration because you’re gear is pretty bad for the level you are.

This is the difference between someone arguing for the sake of arguing and someone arguing based on experience. If there’s one thing I did right, it was getting him to post his character, which would’ve ended this discussion hours ago :roll_eyes:

By the way, I was not going to point out problems in the skill trees of that planner but there is one thing I just CAN’T keep quiet about it because it’s jarring and that probably can help other people (that are able to take advice) :

If you pick the skill Flameward, which is one of the best defensive tool of the mage kit (even if it’s not 100% reliable since there’s a cooldown), if you pick it : ALWAYS PICK BARRIER NODES. It’s the most important 5 points of the skill tree. You change “30% less damage taken” to “70% less damage taken”. No matter the damage type, if it’s a Hit (and not damage over time) it will be reduce by 70 freaking percents.

In general, folks, keep your eyes peeled for any “less damage taken” effects. Super duper valuable!

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Well, I mean even EHG has admitted to an inherent difficulty bias towards melee, just by their nature. This is especially telling at higher corruption, where just about any hit will kill you. But, you’re right in that it’s not an issue that’s affecting the OP – and even by his own admission was being one-shotted from off-screen… which is something that would have been telegraphed, and not specific to being melee. Soooooooooooo. Don’t stand in the fire?

Just to cover my statement above…


You haven’t reached end game in any patch lol, y u lyin?

Folks, let’s try to turn this conversation into something productive. Melee is at a noticeable disadvantage, even if it is possible to learn to deal with it to some extent. At all levels of play, ranged characters have an easier time - on average.

So, what do melee characters need to close the gap (pun intended) to ranged chars?

  1. Survivability - they will take more raw damage (before all forms of mitigation) than ranged classes.
  2. More damage - a melee character has on average less time to deal damage. Approaching the enemy takes time. When you have to move to evade an attack, you are often out of range and have to re-engage your target - no problem for a ranged character.
  3. More mobility - traversal skills that require an enemy target are designed to close the gap. Closing the gap is crucial for melee characters. The cooldown for such an ability that should be much lower than a traversal skill that can be used to navigate freely.

In a game system where you can basically mix many abilities, the melee advantages need to be designed in a way that they aren’t compatible with ranged play styles. Conditional triggers that deactivate features could be one way:

  • “This ability doesn’t work if you used a spell, bow, or throwing attack recently.”
  • “A character that used a melee attack against an enemy at close range has 100% more stun avoidance for 1 second.”

Why would I be lying? I deleted all my characters a month before release and have just a marksman in legacy because I was bored waiting for launch.

I have only played this class so far. The recent two new class are too powerful, which also makes me a bit jealous.(Translate by Google,forgive my poor English)

Why don’t you just admit you’ve never completed an empowered mono?

Why would I take hybrid health on a ward build, give up the other stats and leave my phys resist uncapped if I didn’t have the right gear to do so? This makes no sense.

You are directly asserting that the gear I’m using from EMs is not good enough to run EMs. Plain and simple. This is essentially a paradox. Especially because I’ve been doing it already for nearly 20 levels.

Asserting that I should somehow have ideal gear in every slot simply by running out and using Trade/Fortune, or running targeted monos–when that’s what I’m already doing–is a useless, useless fallacy. RNG is RNG.

You’re also looking at affix slots in a vacuum, as if to say because that slot is more valuable, I should only aim for the highest tier affixes, regardless of how it affects my overall build. What?

No, you didn’t say it should be “perfect”. But you are saying I should live in this perfect world where every piece of gear or affix aligns to your ideal format. I also covered the fact my gear isn’t 100% optimal in my original post, so I’m not really sure why you’re coming on so strong about this.

Again, using associations like “opted” are “childish exaggerations” when choice is not in my control. I’m using Uleros because it’s worked out best with the options I’ve been given thus far. Claiming it’s a questionable choice without reason or even attempting to understand the logic behind such a choice, does nothing to reinforce credibility or illuminate your point of view.

Hyperbole is not a childish exaggeration. It’s exaggeration for effect. You agree that melee is bad. My interpretation is that it’s absolutely terrible compared to ranged classes. The difference is ultimately just splitting hairs. Now, if I said that “my gear does not fit at ALL on a level 96 character”. That would be a childish exaggeration because it clearly does.