Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Sure but by that logic, PoE 1 usually has a massive league every December. I think late October or early November could have been a window of release without much going on.

but wonā€™t you keep your character with all gear and progress just on eternal realm? All the features , fixes, etc of the event would still be available to you

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Iā€™m not a fan of this, this event is not good enough to make players return there is absolutely nothing new to see, why would I start all over again for nothing but a small meaningless event?

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Iā€™ll be waiting a week or two before playing this, I have zero trust in their ability to prevent another gold exploit destroying the market

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just continue the same character in legacyā€¦ the event is legacy as well. the only reason to play cycle is ladder ranking lol


You will never understand that there are people enjoying multiple arpgs at the same time and think that its an amazing competition where all games benefit from each other?


To play a new build on a fresh character, is what drives many players. Unless you have already tried all cool builds.

ā€œlet us keep playing our existing 1.1 characters!ā€ Good news, YOU CAN! They will be moving over to legacy just continue playing in legacy lol.


Nah i just enjoy playing LE, PoE and Diablo. Thats all.


One of the worst arguments Iā€™ve ever heard to date.

Competition is great, what does it have with a low quality, low effort 50ā‚¬ DLC to do though? Thatā€™s just garbage.

Go and get yourself scammed alone, donā€™t advocate for that stuff, itā€™s disgusting.

somone with common sense finally

This is great news, thank you!

I would say please donā€™t be afraid to do more mid-cycle resets and perhaps even bolder (e.g., resetting after the exploits in the first week would have been POG too).


Bro you can just continue on legacy. Nothing actually changes .

With how little players still play this cycle itā€™s no harm to try doing something like this. But on the other hand, isnā€™t it good idea to make a little balance changes so people have time to test them properly so we wonā€™t have some bugged overpowered builds at 1.2 cycle start?

Not alone. Count me in. Actually I enjoy d4. Itā€™s getting better with each patch. And I donā€™t understand why you call it ā€˜garbageā€™ . The DLC adds a new class, new area / zones with unique textures, enemies , views. Adds 2 major endgame activities , and tons of other features like runewords. It is not a copy -paste DLC Iā€™ve seen for other games where theyt just repaint assets.

You might not like D4 and the DLC but that is subjective. Do not impose that on me or anybody else plz. Dont be rude. Peace


Good news, thanks for your hard work! I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll play the event, I already switched to legacy CoF after the dupe. Only if bazaar changes are good enough.

Can you go into details a bit? Is it a stash tab affinity system? What improvements exactly?

I ended up writing a log reply. TLDR: I want to play the game, but my eyes hurt cause I have to read and browse UI more than I play

Bazaar needs rework, not just improvements. The most desired addition is roll ranges. Try buying a small idol with physical damage or phantom grip with good rolls. I hope the new search will be at least 10 times faster to use, otherwise the ā€œsell every exalted for 300kā€ meta will continue.

You could improve the loot filter by adding roll ranges, uniques and more filters. Many players already use a mod that adds those things. Players WANT this changes, they risk to get banned to get the desired QoL.

You could also improve prophecy selection screen by adding a highlight filter for prophecies, and removing the reroll delay. I wanted to play for an hour before work, but instead spent an hour reading prophecy rewards and conditions.


Not a fan of the reset with lvl 99 char, just reached rank 12 MG. And ā€œjust play legacyā€ is not a solution as the stash tab approach in legacy is broken and worse MG market effectively trashed because now its legacy.

The thought of restarting a char this soon sucks badly. Why canā€™t you just zap the gold and reset auction house items.

And, silence on gold dupe for this long and now bam solution after many weeks is to reset all progress.


Yes this is what I donā€™t understand. At least push through some balance changes we can test. Give us a reason to come back.

while im good with this event(cycle restart) i agree with you. seems like they just cant make it in time.

Oh, donā€™t worry about that, I wonā€™t impose on you.

But calling it worthy enough to cost 50ā‚¬ is not a viable argument.

A base game costs commonly 60ā‚¬, the DLC costs 50ā‚¬
So I can expect basically a full game on top, right?

Is it substantially less then a full campaign of experience?
Then why 50ā‚¬?

Thatā€™s the scam, and it got normalized nowadays.

Iā€™m not talking against the quality of the game experience, which has improved substantially, Iā€™m talking about the business practices there and advocating for those, itā€™s baffling how little youā€™re expecting as a customer.

And sadly @Deviant is right. Youā€™re getting milked for money and youā€™re even happy about it.