300+ Echo Streak Super Tank Speed Running Shaman Avalanche Build 0.8.1c


This seems to be the kinda passive build I want (necro/minions arent that passive in LE).

Is this doable as new player ?
The main skills seems to unlock quite early. Not sure about all the needed specializations points to make it work though.

You wont be able to auto cast all 3 skills right away but you can make it work. I leveld with wolves/sabertooth until I unlocked avalanche and storm totem. Then eventually switched storm totem out once I got a “chance on hit thorns totem” idol

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How can you run points in two different masteries (Shaman and Beastmaster) ?

First Welcome to the community!

Yes its doable as a new player. I recommend leveling up with wolves and sabertooth until you unlock avalanche and storm totem and then work towards the video as you hit level 50ish.

The idols will take some time to find as their pure RNG and they willl really get your damage popping.

First, Welcome to the community!

You can have points in all masteries, but you can only go above the halfway point (25 point line) in your mastered mastery.


I already had Wolfs and Saber since earlier so I continued with those until I mastered Shaman.
Then I went with storm totem and manually casting tornadoes (havent specced into instant + CD yet). Got the auto-cast ice thorns setup for more heal.

Next step is to get manual avalanche and drop storm totem and/or manual tornadoes.

I managed to have two storm totems up when my wolfs were specced into 2 wolfs. Bug or intended?

This build feels great, and very fun to play. Thanks Boardman21 for the work and sharing it!

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Just finsished story and did my first echoes + arena.

Very smooth build once you get the needed idol.

Before that I was manually casting 3-4 totems for free (if you spec differently) since I had idols giving me dmg based one totems. Actually the more totems I spammed, the more mana I got :smiley:

Had a quick question about autocasting…since my keyboard doesn’t have a numpad and I don’t have any macro software to rebind the keys…does the build become very key spammy to play at end game without autocasting?

Welcome to the community!

Very, youll just be holding down 4 of the keys at all times, dont have to spam hit just hold down. (Or use duct tape)

I am at level 32 and I use Ice Thorns on AutoCast.

I notice that when I use auto cast, my Thorn shield has an almost 100% up time. The little icon above the tool bar comes back instantly after the thorns are released due to the autocast.

With the high level of up time on Thorn Shield, why do we also invest points in Bulb Shield, which if I am understanding it correctly, increases the chance of Thorn Shield being recast when it releases. My confusion is that it is being recast automatically almost instantly after it releases with out spending points in Bulb Shield.

Let me know what my misunderstanding is here. Thank you!

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You can have multiple stacks. The recast works at the same time its originally cast. Each stack gives Armor and critical strike avoidance if your in the top cooldown node.

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ahh it stacks! Thank you. I can see the appeal now of Bulb Shield :slight_smile:

first of all, thanks for the build. It is fun to play with it and I went through monoliths with it.
But now im struggling while trying to farm for argentus, i can’t even finish the questline in empowered stolen lance. Obviously i can improve a lot to avoid deaths but i feel like im getting one shotted most of the time

Shaman, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.1c) - Last Epoch Build Planner (lastepochtools.com)

Im trying to get a better relic right now but avalanche shards are so rare…
Any idea on what to improve ?
Thanks again

Welcome to the community!

Is that the right build planner it shows you already have the chest and you have everything you need. You should be tanky enough if this is the case.

Im dumb I linked your profile :smiley:
this is mine :

You have 20% endurance. Get to 60% and your survivability should go way up.

Also you need to put 5 points into beserker in primalist tree for the 30% DR when you hit 35% or less life. This will take away all the one shots your getting.

Im still very new but i was thinking endurance and those points in berzerker only works when you reach the 35% threshold, does it work if im getting one shot ?
Maybe I need more hp ?

The berserker passive does only work when you’re below 35% max hp, but the endurance damage reduction is applied to any damage below the threshold even to a hit that takes you below it (it’ll apply to the part of the damage that is below the threshold).

Ty for this precision, I do understand now why i need more endurance%.
its a bit difficult for me right now to get all those stats, the balance between endurance affixes, crit avoidance and res is hard to get

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Noob question here. Is there a way to more easily farm the required blessings from the Monolith of Fate? Or do we have to run through the entire 3 quest chain for each Monolith zone every time? I heard you can leave the zone after killing the final boss in a quest chain, without picking a blessing reward to get another attempt, but this didn’t seem to work for me.