1.0 Server Status Thread

Still the same connexion BS… when can we play the fcing game? I’ve been trying every 2 hours since launch… But I guess since this is just the patch to IDENTIFY the issues, we should expect something where we can play at least 25% of the time by end of March?

Anyhoo, it’s cool you made a great reddit post saying that everything was gonna be fine, and oh, by the way, thanks a lot for the frequent updates! Really helpful to read every few hours that nothing is working yet


They should allow transfer offline character made during this days to online mode and thats all…


I asked 3 times from steam to get refund and they said no way… everything is fine with this game

While that does suck, I think that’s more just how Steam’s policies work, rather than some kind of specific scam by the devs.


I was like “YAY it loads faa… damm!”.

I just managed to load really fast to the class change … got my falcon, hopped to the council chamber and … nothing happened xD.

Well i guess time to read some more or do some 3d sculpting again.

offline chars can be edited. why would they allow you to transfer a possibly hacked char to online? kind of a silly request

that made me lol but they still dropped the ball on release, at least the service dog could pick it up unlike the devs

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Almost like it’s an actual small indie studio!

this is a joke

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30% owned by tencent with hella tencent investment money, L you D rider

Is not that also an ad hominem attack? :eyes:

You are right, though, it’s just a game.

As a dev who builds cloud services, well, if we had a deployment that went like this one, we’d be paying some hefty fees to our customers for violating service-level agreements.

Fortunately (for EHG at least), the standards are very different for games.

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I’ve been struggling since 8am central to try and get into Yulia’s Haven… even when servers are having areas I have no issues getting into any other zone. But Yulia’s is perma-preload, loading… 24/7

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That really sucks. Try to see if you’ve set Steam to load the offline version (all the req. files/libraries). Hope you get it solved soon. It is a separate issue than these service gateway problems for the online component.

LMAO :rofl:

This has absolutely nothing to do with investment money. I’m talking to a little kid, aren’t i?

they knew about the issues, they have the money lmao, you’re a bozo calling them small when they’re not


Day 2 of this trash… C’mon


True xD.

But even the big ones fail launches.

Its just that nowadays they dont get to testing such loads beforehand.
Even when they give out “free weekends” and such.

Then some bean counters decide “this much server should be fine!”.
98% of the time it is not … atleast for the first days.

Matchmakeing servers are a sorepoint here. Heck most times “Ques” pop up … its cause the matchmakeing server cant handle all the request and gets ddosed hard xD.

I remember 50k ques of people trying to login. Just to get dced cause the map server then had troubles in the starter areas xD.

But logically speaking … they should have done more… but doing more and not needing it costs money xd.

looks like this shit gonna take a week


by your same logic it’s really helpful to read the same complaint every other message. keep it up chief

Online game launches are like this BUT hitting 1 million copies sold should have been a strong hint that 100-150k people would storm the servers at launch even on a Wednesday.

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