1.0 Server Status Thread

Online connectivity is a “feature”. It’s is not required to play the game in it’s entirety. The game loads and you can play it fully offline.

Is it an Online only game? No. So therefore it’s a feature. Look up the term in the SDLC.

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The reason some people still cheer for the employees of LE, is cause empathy is still a thing, a rare thing, but still exists. Most companies are run by monsters and I agree to not encourage such practices. But, so far, LE employees only showed us that they really care for this game, they really are willing to make it work, and some issues appear here and there. Even tho they have partnered with Tencent, and is expected to be swimming in money, I don’t think this is the case, cause partnership doesn’t mean u get billions, there is a lot at stake when you partner therefor I don’t think the investment of Tencent in this company was that big. Actually it might still be running on cheaper equipment. Even the most expensive ones will not guaranty you 100% functionality. So I guess that’s why people still defend LE teams, cause they seemed human, and that’s a rare thing when it comes to running companies.
P.S. Partnership doesn’t mean Ownership (meaning Tencent is not going to invest in infrastructure, basically they have bought actions in the company at the price of the date which might have been low, and will only benefit from the profit, but nothing more than that)


FIX YOUR GAME! its been over a day now. nice fking scam


i cant play even in offline mode

when I create the character I can’t get past the first loading screen

if I end the game and restart it the character is present in the list but if I select it and click “enter game” nothing happens

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if the connection to the server was possible i would tell you )) i cant even get in to the main menu

Yes I’m East Coast also.

Ok so I am hoping that they are using Cloud based Containers that they can quickly scale, but this is looking like they are slamming into some bottleneck, either memory/cpu/session based, or possibly exceeding the ability of the container controller to even scale to this level. looks like the Infrastructure people did not have a proper load tool to test the Zone to Zone session performance. That’s pretty important since that function is the glue that holds everything together. WOW learned this awhile ago with World Server to instance server transition, many bad upgrades later they mostly figured it out, but still have issues. This is hard IT stuff guys, I want it yesterday as well, but we need to hold steady and let them get their cloud metrics straight to ID the real root cause, not the symptom. :slight_smile:


Game is working fine for me. Loads a little slow, but connection is pretty stable. All the people crying about refunding, maybe it’s just a skill issue :smirk:

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You were just lucky yesterday. The game has been unplayable for me since its launch.

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Yeah, it’s a skill issue that the game won’t let me in the door…k

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I’m just hitting the door at the wrong angle I guess

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not exactly. I get into the game quickly, but when you try to go to a map from the city, it doesn’t go in.


If you define launch as the performance of the servers on the first day, then yes it was a flop. But this is a far cry from saying that the game is a flop. Also, for people playing offline, the launch has been generally fine. I made an offline character and the performance is great.

I’m not saying any of this to excuse the server issues. I’m only saying that these issues aren’t really out of line with other games in the industry (unfortunately), so I think it’s kind of crazy to say that the devs flopped. If they get the issues resolved within like 4 days, I don’t think it’s that bad.

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Bro just upgrade the damn bandwith of the whole thing, not just socials wtf. At this path, not even on the weekend its gonna be playable. 175k on a fkin Thursday, on saturday afternoon its gonna be at least 250k

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Eu quero o meu reembolso, fiquei mais de 2 horas tentando conectar no modo online e agora não consigo mais pedir reembolso. Sacanagem absurda isso.
Faz o L .

No. i want to play the game online just like the game is marketed for with item trade and such. stop simping the devs


Unfortunately for me the game is unplayble. 15 min and a lot of try to get through a portal and the i get stuck in some place and had to realod. 90% wating 9% relogging and 1% playing. Wish u luck on the server fix.

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noooo, offline works? no wayyyyy/s, it’s an online service game dog, they blundered it after hyping themselves to no end (check CEO’s posts). and the game itself is great so of course offline works. I am in a party and do not want to redo content just because the devs blew the release years of early access + tencent investment + hundreds of other games that made this mistake you can learn from =unsuccessful launch