I’m in and playing, less than a min zone load time too.
the blew the launch they themselves hyped out of the park. the CEO said servers would have no issues with any of this and was completely wrong, what is a flop if not this?
Sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about…
BuT dONt YoU SEe?? EverYThiNG hAs TO Be BlACk Or WHitE, sUpER goOD Or BaD, No GraY ZoNE
EU West
next time please check the post I was replying to… I was not the one who started talking about cars., i
nstead of being a keyabord warrior
missing a feature? buying an online game to play online. thats literally the game missing XD. and you can compair it to a care. you buy a car to drive around so its ok if its missing an engine? thats just a feature. you can still recline the seats and turn the stearing wheel haha.
Just wait until the online drops to 10,000 players.
And then everything will work.
thats what the devs are waiting for
Can’t dispute the content of the message, so the child resorts to ad hominem attacks.
There should be an age limit to this game.
I have over 1200 hours in this game over the last few years and although I think the game is great and worth your time. it is completely unacceptable to have the same problem that you had a year ago.
Services are worse now for me at least than they were yesterday. The load times are longer and at times I have to restart. Right now I have been sitting at a 5 min loading screen. I didn’t have these issues yesterday. The longest I waited was maybe 1 minute to get into a different zone. Now it’s not playable.
Here is the definition of “a flop:”
“(of a performer or show) be completely unsuccessful; fail totally.”
Would I consider Last Epoch having “failed totally” because it had a few days of server issues when it launched? No I would not.
You prove the point that you can’t debate stupid. Almost feel sorry for you, anonymous Internet person.
I didnt say they totally failed, im an early access player and enjoyed the game previously, then they made a bunch of promises and failed at upholding any of them, the launch was a flop and they are floundering right now.
He is right to call the launch of the game as flop as per your definition
says the person who says not being able to play the game is just “missing a feature”
Same for me (East Coast US). While this may not be a “flop,” it is a big stumble, an “eff on the face.” I hope LE recovers fast and brings more to the game “soon” to bring the attention in positive direction.
Anybody else having a problem with %1 lows being very low? In online play my %1 lows are at 20-25 on ultra settings, while on offline my %1 lows are 120+
I play on 1440p 165hz monitor. Changing settings does nothing.
I’m not going to rage, I love the game and the developers, but I am disappointed that 26 hours after launch there doesn’t seem to be any improvement.