1.0 Server Status Thread

you can do this

Holy crap there are so many babies in here.

Youā€™ll get your precious $35 worth; spend the free time touching grass and getting some perspective.


Still not working, still waiting haha
Wish you luck guys!!

Iā€™m surprised people like you even managed to start your PC. You clearly have never played a game at launch. Refund, play something else or just simply stick with it, itā€™s not as easy as 1+1 having a game launch.


Thanks for the hard work EHG and keep the updates coming. If you could, please put the date next to the timestamps on your original post so itā€™s easier to track chronologically.


Iā€™m waiting for the fix.

Imagine if Iā€™m alright with the wait times and disconnects and still wanna play? Or are you just copypasting the same answer in reply to all the complains?

Fix the servers so people can login and play! Donā€™t give cosmetics! You can put that cloak where sun donā€™t shine!


1st camp still doesnā€™t work woohoo. -.-

Why are people still defending poor online server structure on launch? Itā€™s 2024, and the only reason to have this terrible server structure is poor coding, something they are ONLY now after the launch trying to fix. I like MANY aspects of the game, but the issue with online servers is a big negative, they are getting shit for having bad code and terrible online performance, and it is justified, just like any other game that has had the same thing. Fix your code before you tag the game for ā€œONLINEā€ servers.

The Stream reviews are going to drop fast, absolutely justified, the game failed to deliver online service, very unfortunate. Itā€™s going to leave a very bitter taste for a very promising product otherwise.


Hohoho, cant wait for the review bomb to drop

It is not my job, nor did I take peopleā€™s money to be qualified enough. They did, and they are dropping the ball at an alarming level. This is pathetic, and no amount of white knight brown nosing is going to change that.


I disagree with the coding part. The servers are most likely on a lease model via an ISP who is using something like NetApp or cloud. Worst thing about this is that such servers in cloud can be expanded on the go and at the point the compute is no longer needed you change the subscription. There is no excuse for this, this may not be Eleventh Hour Gamesā€™ fault but they should escalate the matter to the idiots who are responsible for the performance of the back end.

Ok, Karen

Iā€™m not angry, Iā€™m just disappointed.

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Thereā€™s a very easy solution even if itā€™s only temporary one, it would fix 100% of my current issues.

Allow cosmetics to be used in offline and many peoples problems instantly go away, removes server stress and people can play without issue.

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You sound a bit spoiled there chad. For $35, the offline version is well worth it by itself.

I expect you will be removing the game from your PC in repugnant protest and weā€™ll never hear from you again. Unless of course all your finger-wagging is just drama you like to surround yourself with to make yourself feel engaged?

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Wow, you truly are smart! Ever thought of applying for a job as a game dev?


lol :smiley: