1.0 Server Status Thread

I absolutely agree with you. I rather wait a few days to play a fun game then to play a game and wait a few years to fix and it will still not be fun

how about both :smiley:

Loading screens are like 5 seconds to 5 minutes right now for me in EU. At least it works now! :slight_smile:

you appear to be the exception

I have 5k euro pc but if you wanna spare some $$ pls pm

And isnā€™t more funny for a company (any company) who says i release something at that day ( but realistically i donā€™t) Me personal maybe maybe i dont care for 34$ but someone else maybe not, that doesnt means that he dont has the right to say his opinion.

Is this an assumption the servers were available in the first place. On paper yes.

In reality. Connecting/LE-61 and loading screens are 99% of the time we are online.

PS. Let us put party play and stuff like that aside. That is impossible to even achieve for 24 hours.

I am old enough to be your parent most likely, and I am well aware of my spendings. Seems like you arenā€™t since you are complaining about a game that has been out for 1 day trying to seek sympathy.

got disconnected and now ā€œonline play unavailableā€

dude if they enable cosmetic on offline mode, just make it on every cycle, i will gladly bought cool cosmetic in the future.

Just want to say I know this is a difficult kind of problem to solve. Yā€™all are doing great.

oops oops, from very positive already to mixed review

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I understand problems. But 100k player count is not that big. Common guys. That number should be normal for everyday :wink: We want to have this game live a long time in future. So players are needed :wink:


Do you have a solution? Seems like you think theyā€™re not qualified enough, but you certainly are :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m complaining about a bug which is critical during such server issues. The game has this feature for ages, if you bought it today doesnā€™t mean it is out for 1 day.

you have two options, refund the game and move on with your life or play something else till this one is stable, spending all your time crying like 14yold gets you what exactly? :slight_smile:


online play is non functional 24 hours into launch, that is by no metric whatsoever ā€œgreatā€

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this is getting ridiculous. congratulations to the worst launch in the last couple of years.

war room take my energy

there are way more than just those two options, donā€™t be so dense