1.0 Server Status Thread

24 hours in and online play is essentially non functional…

pretty sad situation boys

and yet they had 6 years to prepare for this dogshit launch…

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its 24 hours and the product is not even functional

Is it so hard just wait till the weekend and let them fix it properly, raise resources on servers etc?
Diablo 4 is unplayable boring trash and will be maybe another 3-6 months. Are few hours or days delay so crucial for the life that people must still complain like a young kids?


sorry but if electricity is a problem for you in the first place, you should not play games

currently, does not seem to

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Still trying here in Australia. Aus server wont get past connecting screen. Asia and US servers seem better, unfortunately even with 200ping. At least they load. Trying to live with changing zones sometimes taking 3mins or more, I timed it. I literally rush the door and then go back and kill all the mobs and then still have to wait for it to load :slight_smile: 3am in Aus as I write this. Stability decrease after 26mb patch feels bad. Just feedback, not complaining per se. Stay Safe Epochians.

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good joke, wait for the weekend to have EVEN MORE players trying to log in at the same time…also shitting on another game because this game launch is dogshit is really sad and pathethic


why launch the product if it isn’t ready?


ignorant child not giving a single s about resources and wear on the pc components. Maybe when you’d move out from your parents you will be more aware about spending.

is this some sort of a scam or something?

3 mins? i wish. 60 mins+ for me… i’m starting to question why i’m even trying to play

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cant play since release, congrats for the launch, but its need do improve.

Today alone the amount of negative reviews almost matches positive ones. Imagine this is a weekend and more ppl flock into the game, next week we would probably see a review bomb, kinda fun to watch

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yes, i see very little point in even trying to log in at this point

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i need to correct myself. i set 60 fps in LE and thats all i get (in the character window.)

next will be the refund requests bomb if it doesn’t get better

got money issues my dude? Want to set you a gofundme account? :stuck_out_tongue:

Use solar power, the sun will burn anyways so you can fell better

yeah ikr, i never wait out the 60 mins is all, I restart and try diff servers until one loads. A few times I’ve gone and made food and been surprised that its logged into US West when I’m in Brisbane Australia, yet it wont log into Aus server even after 20 mins.

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