1.0 Server Status Thread

you*re a fanboy and people like you are one of the main issues for the current state of gaming

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Are we trying to beat the world record of the shitiest game launch ever or something ?

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I did NOT say I had zero issues. I had so much frustration pretty much whole first act + even now I am trying to connect back after getting kicked out from inactivity. All I am trying to say is the actual game will function once the initial problems (I think the first 2 acts being the major issue due to the size of the playerbase in this region) are fixed.

I just want everyone to have some patience and at least show the decency to acknowledge they are working their asses off trying to fix the issue almost 24 hours non-stop. I am not saying this was something that SHOULD have happened but since what happened happened I at least respect their transparency and effort.

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You either refunded or is a lier, you see all those ardent gladiators? we are over 300k and all bought the game at some point during early beta

Get a better pc I guess, my pc barely feels anything ,I am playing Assasins creed Odyssey in the background while waiting for loads lol :smiley:

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Close but the records are still being held by other shitshows… one being POE ultimatum launch :smiley:

You’d be surprised, but nvidia control panel setting don’t affect it either.

Is it your first multiplayer game launch or?

The game is now live ?

Good point, PoE is 10+ years old and this league was unplayable in the evenings for almost a month, yeah you could play most of the time, but man was it unplayable if you were juicing maps hard.

wow you are so great that you played the game in Beta … now go on fanboy your ass off if you had Beta tested the game better maybe we would have less problems now

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MALAKA! (jk lol thats actually a good idea :rofl: )

Still getting “Online play unavailable”

I’m not sure hat changed but 2 hours ago I was able to play for at least some time in a session, but now I can even teleport to the map that I was trying to progress for keep the story progression. I tried waiting about 30 minutes and the map just does not load

last time i played, i only had the set 80 fps. weird…

I could not care less about your opinion, but just for context, I’m a fanboy with 39.6 hours played, as you did assumptions about me I’m sure you are the same guy who complain here the servers are not working and complain D4 has no offline mode.

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I’ve been at the Gardens loading screen for just over an hour now… does it get better the further you get into the game?

So your point is to buy a better pc to burn even more electricity because of this stupid bug? Also limiter works when you alt tab in the actual game so for zone loads it’s fine.

yall need to calm down, its 24h since release and you’re losing your minds


sad but no

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