1.0 Server Status Thread

I was one of the fortunate ones that got past the first few “worse” zones on the initial re-opening of the servers. I am currently lvl 72 and I can say once (if) you can get to a monolith the maps themselves are super smooth and loading takes like 3 seconds at most. Have patience guys. They will figure it out in 1-2 days at most and in the meantime all the “hype-bois” will leave so the real player base would have much better time :slight_smile:

EDIT: Ps the game is even more fun than EA. Your patience will pay out people. Have some faith. At least they are both working hard about this since release (it has been hours and I highly doubt they even had a rest) AND they are fully transparent and keeping us frequently updated which is rare thesedays. Most devs just go radio silent untill problem is fixed after hours/days.


I don’t think it’s fair to say that everyone needs to wait. The launch date for this game was Feb 21. We have no choice but to wait, through no fault of our own, but launch date does not refer to the date when you’ll start waiting to play the game.

well i have play many type of season games and this is close too d2 refound

stuck in a loading screen to the end of time and i can HEAR it. the ambient noises. people moving. but i am in a loading screen. wack. good luck getting the server issues resolved today, devs. i have faith in you.

why do players need to wait ffs?
Does the player pay the moment he purchases the game or does the company need to wait for their money until one is able or in the mood to pay?
this practice must not be tolerated andf its a shame that its still not runing online after 24h


Online is unplayable. This is well after release and I dont foresee the weekend getting any better. The devs were smug about how stable their game would be on release, and now its biting them in the ass. Really dont like either side of this, the smugness of the devs, and now the instability of their product, can’t even hold 100k concurrent users, seriously?

Additionally, they had the numbers of how many people were purchasing their product, but instead of preparing properly, they boasted in blogposts about their game. Very sad all around.


Oh for God sake, you guys realize the workaround still working? Jesus Christ, play offline “oh but I will lose all my progress, and will have to do all over again online after” yeah and that is fine he game will not close doors tomorrow, you will have plenty of time. I could bet a million dollars if there was not an offline option 75% of the complaints here would “Oh if we at least had the choice to play offline” just as it was in every single other game that had no offline mode




You know what would fix ALL of these issues, if you could create a char that can go online and offline… This way we could all be enjoying the game solo in offline mode, and when the servers get sorted we could switch back to online and join our friends. Why can this be a feature in the game?


Dude. we bought a game that doesn’t work. it’s not our faukt, that GFBurn doens’t have any friends

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Because they don’t want online servers flooded with OP chars made offline with cheats.


Many people including me bought the game because of the ONLINE mode … i PAID for ONLINE MODE why should i play offline ?


Getting LE-61 when trying to enter any zone from town

You will get what you paid for. The issues are not intentional. Have some patience. Most of us waited a year+ for this and can’t tolerate waiting a few hours or even a day at most on top. I will repeat:
It will get better.

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its also nowadays not garanted that its playable at that time for what ever reason and i hope that its understandabl what i want to say

They shouldn’t sell an nonfunctional game

Game unplayable. Load times are atrocious and after waiting I d/c anyway.

this makes no sense.

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Trying to log into the game currently. Loading into The End of Time, i’m getting an infinite laoding screen and getting timed out for being AFK before the load screen even goes away. I make it back to the main menu with no problems, but cannot load into End of Time at all.

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…and the underlying game sucks so badly that they constantly have fireside chats apologizing for how bad it still sucks, months after their 100% perfect release. Please, just stfu with your vitriol.

I’d rather have a few days of delay, and a good game to play after, than a stinking pile of shit, that has 0 connectivity issues. Go play D4 if you’re that pleased with their offering(s).

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