1.0 Server Status Thread

Since it’s after 8PST, I’m guessing we’ll hear from them in an hour or so.

So excited for Last Epoch launch! Feb 23!!


you had so much time to prepare it well…


Just go to the first post, and you’ll see a timestamp of when they replied last.

All I can say is. Thanks for the hard work and the constant update!


I like all 3 of those. So far im disappointed wih itemisation in last epoch seems same items drop at 10 30 50. Stuff for other classes drop dafuck why would i want necro set belt on a sorc hmm.

The number of negative review on steam for today is already as high as positive lol

You know Fri, Sat, and Sun is most likely going to be worse that this, right? ><

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Keep up the good work guys! Thanks!


Can’t get into game again… Stuck at CONNECTING forever :confused: hope you guys get it under control <3 I have faith

Still not possible to play the game. Starts loading and eventually times out

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everyone needs to just wait and remember what games did come out without any problems what so ever i am just happy to have a new good game to play insted of the over priced aaa stuf

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really loving the game and the changes brought by the full release, but the server instability is very sad, and i dont think this is getting any better on friday/saturday/sunday when the traffic gets heavy

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Honestly, this has passed the point where it is understandable.
What is the root cause of this? Can you guys actually fix the problem? or are you just crossing your fingers and hoping that more people just drop out so that server stabilizes?
This is not a free to play game, people have bought copies of this stupid game to play.
Instead of announcing that you guys have sold a million copy of your game, you should have prepared the servers accordingly.


well…now we have the same shit as yesterday. yes i am frustrated and disappointed. yes i know that barely any release is free from problems but it seems the performance of the API matchmaking is rapidly going towards yesterday’s black hole. I don’t know if you are only looking at higher-lvl stuff like monoliths etc…would be actually nice to play the game and get there somehow…

Saying “Other games also had a bad start” doesn’t make it more okay


still waiting to enter Gardens… so about 40mins of wait

Have been in a few warrooms/troubleshooting and hypercare sessions myself, so all I want to do is wish you guys good luck! There are absolutely things you cannot predict or simulate adequately unless your budget is unlimited.

Btw, the game looks amazing, enjoying the little changes and details a lot whenever I come across some of them. :slight_smile:

1 hours and 15 minutes on same load screen. can’t wait for tomorrow to be free of this whether it runs smooth or i get refund and never look back

PoE is still better!