1.0 Server Status Thread

its not easy to get refunds as steam doesnt refund if played time is over 2 hours. sitting at a frozen screen for 2 hours counts as played time -.- maybe they will offer an easy way for this crap experiance.

I invested money and time into this game for the final product, not the beta product. Sure, I enjoyed my time up to this point but it was to show support for the direction they were going.

Currently we are investigating issues with transitions failing or taking a long time to process. We have a bit of a lead and believe this may be related to logging. I’ll keep everyone posted…
Logging? Seriously? Wow You guys Must have came from Blizz.

Sounds like you have no option but to delete it from your computer, log off the forum, go get your tattoo removed, yell at your mom, beat your dog, and cry in a pillow until you suffocate.

Damn, we are going to wait for days or even weeks before we can finally play online I guess.

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Can an offline char be transferred from one machine to another? Because this is the only reason I’m playing online. I’ll happily join leaderboards and whatever the online version provides next cycle.

Maybe even years!

Or my other option is to voice my frustration on their post about server statuses. Which ya know, is the same forum post you’re patrolling as well. So you must also aspire to do all of the above, considering the old saying “birds of a feather” right?

This launch is slowly becoming a fiasco


Im stuck at the connecting screen. Charachter is loaded, just doesn’t go through.
after I clicked SEND, the game loaded.

After 25 minutes, I finnaly can see the game loading.

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To those stating they will fix it with time: they won’t or they would have already.
Once a big slice of players will be fed up and leave for good and the number of connections will be well under 150K the game will run fine.
The infrastructure is simply unable to handle more than that and they cannot recode it from scratch.
Time is needed to arrange the player count, not to fix code, sigh.

I just came for updates and to laugh at how dramatic grown men are being over a silly game. I’m actually thankful my character is stuck loading so I can focus on something productive until I’m able to play again. :wink:


Not sure that speeds up the process. We cannot access it; they are working on it. When they are done, we will be able to play online.

One comment is fine, but dragging the discussion into negative eternity… I find it funny. So, this is my little contribution to relaxing the sentiment a bit.


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ye id love to be online with douped gold and xp :smiley:

Nice logic. If they haven’t fixed it in 24 hours, they will NEVER fix it. Bravo.

Another person speaking complete sense! Reading all the comments from Karen’s and Darren’s is hilarious.

The upside is I was able to harvest 4 Weed Plants while I was waiting to jump zones.

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“You’re lying or trolling. No You. No you. No you.”

I’ve provided examples of you being wrong every single time and yet you still keep on lying. My god you’re obnoxious.

Yet you’re sitting in a forum thread replying to people. Once again, birds of a feather. Grand stand all you’d like but you’re about as useful as everybody else in this thread. Sorry to break it to you.

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