1.0 Server Status Thread

Not so simple. Increasing GAME servers may not always solve the load problem. Often there are some other bottlenecks, for example a database.

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Imagine if there was a security system for all the cheats people could use to abuse the game with and then bring your fully hacked account into the leadeboards.

Mysteries of life uncovered for you right there my dear friend.

Прошло уже более 20 часов с момента запуска. Удалось поиграть минут 30 сегодня и все. Зависает намертво игра. Может уже пора бы исправить ошибки и дать людям поиграть в игру, которую они купили?

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La login is ok but it never connects when u select characters, my friends having the same issue, 30 min ago they could play

the should allow us to transfer offline character that was created on launch to online.

I understand EHG is working diligently to solve all the issues to stabilize LE online play. My question is, did LE 65 error retire LE 61 error or did LE 61 error upgrade/morph into LE 65 error?

Some people can’t refund a game they purchased years ago and have invested 1k hours into you smooth brained troll.


But the trade will come, young padawan. Patience, you need to have. Chillax, enjoy Eterra, only a few clicks away. :smiley:

This thread is more entertaining than any video game. EHG fanboys and angry gamerdads fighting over the launch of a five year old game :joy:


Saying things like go make a game yourself is such a stupid argument … we paid for them to make the game … they sold it and not gave it away for free … its a paid product that doesnt work or only half of it works … they can brag about selling 1 million copies but they cant have 160k people playing at the same time …

There would have been a lot less problems if they actualy stress tested stuff before 1.0 launch letting people in for free but we cant give stuff out for free can we now ? …

People defending like white knights are a joke you all are the reason shit like this happens … happy go lucky


Stop flossing a dead horse: turn servers off and work your ass off to make them stable.
Give us peace of mind at least XD


I’m loving the game (when I can actually play it), but the server issues/bugs are frustrating as hell. Honestly, I understand EHG is an indie studio, but they marketed this game similar to a AAA title, and therefore should’ve expected the current inflow of players based on hype alone, yet (in my opinion) they took an ‘indie’ (do-it-yourself/keep-it-in-house) approach for the launch in terms of the online/server allocation/support. Now it just feels like they’re in over their heads, because their inability to resolve these issues in a timely manner is telling… not to mention without adequate resources, seeing as the limited number of servers. I mean one server for all of Europe is disappointing.

Don’t waste your time at the moment.
Not beign negative, just stating the facts. I am sure it will great eventually, just not now.
Friend and I spend 2 hours trying to get in, I got in once, then seem to be soft DCed after while, Walked around, but no spells cast. He never got in in 2 hours period of trying, just infinite loading screens.
Give it time.

Hey, what a time to be alive!

If you have thousands of hours into this game, I’d say you got your money’s worth. I understand its frustrating to not be able to play a brand new game you are excited about, but they’ll fix it and this will be a non-issue within a few weeks, especially as the numbers settle into “normal” ranges.


With how bad the server is doing right now, I wonder why EHG is just silent. I kind of expected they would share some news or something. Right now I am not sure whether to wait for a bit or just go to sleep and hope the server is better when I wake up. Would be nice if they post an update to let us know what’s going on and what is their plan…


Its okay to voice frustration for a game you purchased and have played for years. A game the devs have spent years developing and have spent years explaining the time it took to develop to prepare for this exact day. Just for this to be a complete flop of a release. If people don’t voice their frustrations and give feedback, then there is no pressure on the devs to get things fixed. Look at D4 and WoW, voicing your complaints makes devs take action.

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So there are new issues of unconnectable now?

Ehh second day and still not working, they take money and give us nothing


I was able to play fairly normally last night for a good 3 hours besides the longer zone transition times - which honestly was pretty surprising.

Not able to log in at all at the moment though. I fear the game will just be completely down all weekend.

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