1.0 Server Status Thread

They never solve the problem, europe was just sleeping^^ :crazy_face:

But as i understand it, you canā€™t switch from Offline to Online with the same character.

Im starting to dread weekend - should be bigges load of players.

After what feels like 2 days (yesterday evening and todayā€™s evening starting) itā€™s horrible that we still canā€™t play. We had multiplayer tests that showed this and the game has been in several stress tests. This is NOT a free game and we have full right to make a little fuss about it, just because we are passionate about the game.

I want to be able to spend time on the product i bought ā€¦


I bought this game in 2021. I have over 1k hours into it. I was anticipating this launch and have been anticipating this launch for years now. I avoided day 1 play because I KNEW the servers would be bogged down. Its now 24 hours after launch and I canā€™t get past the first couple zones due to latency. Iā€™ve spent 3 hours trying to play this morning and havenā€™t been able to get to level 10. Truly unacceptable. I understand that people believe we should ā€œgive them some timeā€, ā€œtheyā€™re an indie studioā€ etc etc etc. This is a paid product. They KNEW how many players that had purchased their game. They CHOSE to not invest in server capacity to give themselves room to work with. Anybody whoā€™s claiming ā€œall AAA games have this issue give them a breakā€ are also coping extremely hard. Diablo 4 experienced a couple hours of downtime before the servers were up. POE experiences a couple hours of downtime before the servers are up. WoW is the same. Thereā€™s no excuse for this down time and thereā€™s definitely no excuse for sending everybody home on launch day when your game is unplayable for the majority of your player base.


Go do something with your life rather than wasting it on forums you snowflaek bollock

so wasnt this suppose to release yesterday? still unplayable. and whats up with all the fanboys making excuses for them. this is not a launch this is a patch. people have been playing this game for 7 plus years already so they had plenty of time to make things stable. this is a shitty company who made 35+ mil from a reskinned poe game and put zero back into it.


I begin to kind of agreeing with you there.

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Imagine if there was an offline mode. You play, enjoy Eterra, life, builds, explore the game, and then in 1-2 days, servers are OK and you hop on the online version. Imagine if that was possible? :smiley:

Ahhh, mysteries of lifeā€¦

EU & NA try to log in
Incredible lag
Devs gonna fixin
EU goes to sleep, pressure on servers eases
Hey guys, we managed to resolve the problem
That time of the day when both EU and NA start playing
A cycle begins anew


Il y cela aussi cā€™est vrai
mais le nombre de joueur qui ont abandonnƩ car les premiers jours impossible de se connecter.
Pour certains ils ne sont jamais revenu.

We are not the one who complaining, just a refund it, thatā€™s you need to do. Instead you just wanna whine here and talk shit.

Iā€™m a pretty patient person but this is anything but fairly stable. We canā€™t even get in and weā€™re approaching the 24 hour mark at this point.


You are legit insane, we both played the same 2 games in question and I can tell you, youā€™re lying or trolling. D4 was very playable within 2 hours of launch. Coming up on 22 hours now letā€™s check back at 36 hours. Stop being a troll


Well the tech team is still sleeping, guess we have to wait for another 2-3 days.

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not as boring as loading screen for hours

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Shame they ditched the whole keeping people updated with whatā€™s going on thing.


I like reading expert comments. Please, elaborate more, kind Sir! :cowboy_hat_face:

Same for East/West

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For people who have spent years playing offline mode and were anticipating trade league etc, this is a ridiculous take. Imagine a company knowing they sold 1 million copies and not preparing for that kind of capacity. Imagine.

Ahh, mysteries of life LOL