1.0 Server Status Thread

So unplayable I’m level 21 on my Warlock.

D4 was literally unplayable for a whole day AND still had dc issues during at least 2 days after. People had to log in, stay in queue for 3h, especially in the US, and then they could play like 20min before getting kicked back in the queue.

Enough with the gaslighting, you’re annoying. Shoo.

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Played early access a lot, was really hyped for the launch and it was np we couldnt play yesterday. But cant help but feeling a bit let down and getting the hype killed. Another day but havent been able to get online once.

24 Heures… Bientôt le week end… donc rien avant lundi…
Des années de beta et personne n’a pensé faire une beta crash serveur ???
Ok on peut pas prévoir certaine chose, mais on peut tester avant le lancement ??
Cela ressemble au lancement de New World et le jeu ne s’en est jamais remis

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EU West, stuck on “connecting” after choosing character.

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I’m wondering if they post some update about the current situation

It is understandable that this is not from AAA studio. However EHG has partnered with Tencent I believe, therefore it is no longer a small indi company. Although this game price is reasonable, it is not free. Consumer have the rights to express dissatisfactory in circumstances like this.


It’s comments like this that make me not want to read the forums. I paid for AN ONLINE product/service. It was to be delivered almost 24 hours ago. It’s still not working. How are there “so many factors to get into”? I just spelled it out to you in ONE SENTENCE. Don’t bother responding, because I won’t read it.


I went making tea and when back it was still loading so got me cookies and when back i was disconnected.
“longer” :smiley:

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LE-61 is back
Trying to enter the Cultist Camp, & getting LE61 after ~3-4min

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Why the drive by? Yesterday was Day1, today is Day2. 2 Days does not always mean 48h…
Anyways, for those “offended” by me phrasing it like I did: I meant that today is the second day.

I could log in yesterday late evening, but unable to join servers again today. Do you have certain servers down or it is a random limitation? Fingers crossed you will work this out soon :slight_smile: Thanks, great game btw

It is not fairly stable. It’s worse than last night

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Hum non, le jeu s’en est pas remis parce qu’à part le craft il offre pas grand chose et à cause du problème de vagues de bans massives pour disqualifier les adversaires en PvP qui a ruiné le jeu.

Sans oublier que toutes les villes sont des copier-coller sans saveur qui puent la flemme.

I’m doing the same thing for roughly 25 minutes now :slight_smile:

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Sheehs people really have no patience. I do get that the company should’ve atleast made a temporary queue for the servers in order to let some portion to get to play but still. Go make your own game if you have nothing else to say but “I want a refund”. Go watch your TikTok videos with your 0 patience if you can’t take 24h+ lasting launch issues.

Even I who has a daily job, enjoy healthy life and so on, don’t really care how long does the fixing of the servers gonna take as long as they do it. And eventually I will play the game, having not flamed the devs but the players who clearly don’t know how these types of issues can occur even when managed correctly.

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I know this isn’t news but once again, the idea of not buying into the hype comes to mind. It happens more than often these days.


Stuck on “Connecting” on US Central

then dont read them. smh another snowflake i see.

Definitely the best game i can’t play :slight_smile:

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give me my money back and let me know when your product / service is fit for the market.