1.0 Server Status Thread

I am in Southern California and have not been able to load into any echos from the Monoliths. I just get stuck at the load screen. I already tried reinstalling the game and using different servers (US West vs US East) but the issue persists.

Today I was able to load a location for the first time since Friday.
Thank you for EU changes and for all your hard work!

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Things are going very well on the EU server today, thanks for the communication and hard work. :+1: :clap:


Aqui continua desconectando toda horaā€¦ Ta ficando chato ja de jogar. Toda hora tenho de recarregar o jogo e ter de fazer o percurso todo novamenteā€¦


I actually miss all of my friends here from last week and even into the weekend. Now with the much lower number of hits on this thread, which I put forth as connections to the game are working better, itā€™s almost deserted.

my entertainment is missing :weary:


Transitions work most of the time, but town portals or manual transition via map overview to other towns is still awfulā€¦ (EU West)

EUW: it was working okay ISH yesterday from 8-10 pm, but there was quite some lagging and rubber banding, not too bad but bad enough that I died from it in an echo. Well, I did not plan on playing hardcore this cycle, but for the next cycle a stable rubber banding free environment would be nice :sweat_smile:

us west. getting lots of desync tonight. spells not showing up, invisible enemies, etc. relogging fixes it, however i had to clear through temple of lagon 3 times.

Yesterday was the first day for EUW with big performance boost for the infrastructure.

First time it was able to play 2hrs straight since release. I hope it stays like that, so I can edit my SteamReview again.

Great work :+1:t3:


Servers down this morning?

Online play Unavalible for me now EU West

same for me

I just logged in, tried to exit town and was disconnected, now I canā€™t enter realm with online characters, EUW

RIP servers, a day of decent servers was too good to be true :slight_smile:

Love the game, been playing since 0.8 - what saddens me is that I think , I am cursed cuz Iā€™ve been trying to log in since the launch day. over a week later and I still cannot. Reinstalled the game, tried eveyting to troubleshoot issue with connection but the only thing i get is ā€œonline unavailableā€ everytime on game load past charakcter screen.

I can clearly hear the sfx like i was logged in but scfreen is blocked on connecting.


try offline mode, itā€™s the servers, not your PC or system

Down on Asia NE as well

Yup, EHG couldnā€™t keep the servers more or less running for more than a day it seems before ā€œOnline Play Unavailableā€ made a reappearance. :frowning:

I was looking at trying another classā€¦ guess this is the timeā€¦

Down on EU East