1.0 Server Status Thread

My reply was in turn to what you quoted and replied from another person.

Clearly you aren’t that stupid

Bro, what? The application load balancer is related to logins on the hosts where the game is hosted on an redirects the users to another host if needed.

What the hack are you talking about?

Working in “tech” - you sir dont even know the correct job description for an application manager lol :smiley:

The thing I don‘t get?!?!?

US have multiple Servers and all game created still think EU is a Small Town and only need 1 Server.

The EU have a lot more People then the USA

? Okay - so you not talking about the ALB?

Correct, and when an application load balancer gets hit with too much demand at a single point in time, what do you think happens? Because the entire point of an ALB is to reroute traffic to certain targets.

Do you actually know what an ALB is or did you just learn that from your freshman college class earlier today?

Seems to be you are that stupid. Sigh.

Last epoch uses
Photon Unity Networking (PUN) as its backend connection service for multiplayer functionality.

Let’s start there with actual opinions on the topic at hand.

Yeah so I come back after an hour and the queue is still climbing and not moving. Funny thing I can select any region and still go into the same queue # lol.

Like I get the exact same number if I select Asia West or US Central. 6,647 is what it’s up to now. Lol I highly doubt there is even a que that high.

Yes, I know what an ALB does and were the problems come up, and thats what I mentioned earlier:

If you havet fixed this problem after 6 days - you’re a bad managing service provider :smiley: it is what it is.

Bro you askin me about an expample of another user?
What the…

no further words needed :smiley: its not about the code.

110% MS proiver is not able to fix the asyncs intime and thats what rippin’ off the ALB so no one can connect :slight_smile: safe call.

But please use some more words like “working in tech” xD this will proof im not working in “tech” LEMAO … this is insane :smiley:

MSPs are often used for small or medium-scale companies who don’t anticipate a major increase in demand from the user-end. They don’t typically have the capacity or resources necessary to cushion, say, a 250k (or 150k last week) spike in player traffic on a server. That sort of traffic is generally reserved for larger companies who actually do have the resources to spend on things like temporary capacity as well as a more robust server infrastructure.

In other words: When a game like Last Epoch, which generally sat at around 2-3k concurrent players on average, is suddenly hit with 50 times that amount, it becomes a struggle to fix regardless of how talented you actually are. It’s not an incompetence issue, but a resource issue.

Holy shit, you actually have 0 clue how a project like that is planned, dont you?

You rly think they planned with 3k players on release day? After selling hunderds of thousands of copies before?

Time to go on, this rly is insane.

I love that you deleted your post… claiming you hate stupid people and then typing a sentence that made you look like you went to school in the back alley of a trailer park.


You sir, are a clown.

Ive got a question… I am on the central servers and am 7k in line in a queue. I have been in this line for 15 -20 minutes and it hasnt moved at all. Is this a legitimate queue or is my game messed up? Also if it is legit… if i swap to a different server will i still be in the queue or is this just a queue for central servers? This seems like I wont even get to play today if this is a legit queue…

I didn’t say that at all. Your reading comprehension is clearly struggling.

And if you want to get to the business side of things, then we can talk about the fact that the “hundreds of thousands of copies” were sold over the span of 5 years. Maybe if Last Epoch sold hundreds of thousands in anticipation of the 1.0 release, you’d actually have a point, but it would be foolish of EHG to consider a copy sold in 2019 as a player logging in in 2024. That’s not how businesses with limited money and resources operate, like at all.

Last Epoch was always a low-profile game, and their in-house metrics likely illustrated a lower profile release. Maybe they should have anticipated how starved people were for a good ARPG, though, considering how dogsh*t Diablo IV is.

If you think word that 1.0 was releasing didnt reach everyone that played this game… OR these type of games (D2-D4 , Poe, …ect) then you are ridiculous. They made a post celebrating selling 1 million copies… then shortly after they released the game. Every single person i know that play these games and even those that dont either had the game already or purchased it for this release and they are playing.

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game still unplayable?

what manner? like today? or since release?


Actualy i’ve played totaly normal yesterday and today. I’ve even tried to change my review on steam, but steam lagged and didn’t change it. Now i am pretty sure Steam knows something…

The fact that people are review bombing the game cause its having issues is insane to me… every single game has issues on release and significantly worse than what LE has had.