1.0 Server Status Thread

i have been in Que for central server for an hour at 3598, not moving.

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Lol nice attempt at shifting the goalposts. I’m sure that works out splendidly for you quite often.

I think if you spend six days whining incessantly about not being able to play the game, you are definitely a forever alone gamer with no friends or spouse, because people with either of those things would play something else and/or spend time with them. They certainly wouldn’t obsess about their ability to play online.

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so after using VPN and connecting to different servers( US Central and US east in epoch) it appears there are different " queue pools" depending on where you are located. i have ATT fiber and had a queue of 2k then used a VPN in the same state im in… got a queue of 4k then used the VPNto connect to US east (NY) and logged into US east in epoch and got right in.

Tell me you have no frkn clue about container / serverless application environments, without telling me you have no frkn clue about container / serverless application environments :clown_face: good evening sir :slight_smile:

You should get to know the basics of those environments.

Also; EHG is not managing the environment itself where the game is hosted - they alrdy explained that this is a managing service provider - so you dont need to “work on a game” for hosting games.

But as I said, tell me you have no clue …

Attempt? Playing an online game with friends? An Attempt? Bro cmon :smiley:


Yeh, no idea why it’s working… but it’s working.

Okay Batman, explain this, UScentral, 3598 in que, US east 3598 in que, and USwest 3598 in que? Oh and none of them move or reduce in number.

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Wouldn’t say destroyed, since 215,928
playing 9 min ago.

Unless you are working on this specific game, and its specific code, you literally have no idea what you are talking about. you may think you know because you do something yourself, but dont judge one to another.

But hey, pretend like you know anything, its the internet woooo youtube doctorate.

If you’re going to complain about not being able to play the game and then shift your complaints to not being able to play the game with friends the moment you’re given a solution, you are 100% shifting the goalposts. For someone who works with server infrastructures, you clearly know very little about common sense.

Lol its not about code :smiley:
If you have bad signal on your phone, its about code ?? (just example)

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Can you please explain to me, why the “code” is causing issues to the ALB?

Bro. The “code” has nothing to do with the infrastructure environment where the code is hosted on lol.



EU still unplayable during high trafic hours, can’t even connect.

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that’s actually dependent, because bad code can interfere with signal, causing delays, drawing power etc.
considering i can write that myself lol

you kids are funny, enjoy being here, i gotta fight Lagon now.

Please explain sir :slight_smile:

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You have no idea what you are talking about. I have worked with Devs on a daily basis for 15 years which includes managing teams of devs, and their schedule’s do include working weekends at times. If they have a major project due or that is having issues, they are monitoring it and working. I can assure you they have some rotation going where at least a few devs, and a few people from other departments are looking over code and deployments being put in place. This is EHG’s biggest project, if not, their only project. Devs are working on the weekends to fix this. I do not know why you think they get a pass because they do not.

I have more than 1 hr waiting on the queue, so if they used like GGG streamers queue priority…everyone else going to be wait until they decide to left us get in the game

Stop giving half examples. If you are gonna give an example please use full ones and ones that are more comparable to the nature of what you :cry: about.

Cause now I can nit pick your example.
If signal is bad, is it just being interfered by things?
Are you naturally in a spot where you get bad signal?

See the list can go on for that “example”


What signal? What the fck has an ALB in common with a signal? :smiley:

E: Do you even know what an ALB is? :rofl:

If you work in tech, then you know demand can absolutely demolish tech scaling and planning, even if your backend is built to be fully distributed and scalable. Code inefficiencies, as well as program structure, won’t be detected until demand scales up to a certain level, and the only people who have the resources to spend on this sort of thing and ensure that these launch woes won’t sustain themselves operate at a level far above what EHG is working with (I.E. Blizzard).

Seems to me like you have no idea what you’re talking about and threw out a few buzzwords to make yourself seem smart. Wouldn’t be surprised if you got carried by the rest of your team at your job if you actually do work in tech.