1.0 Server Status Thread

guys im playing on damn eu west and i play solo . after 15 hours yet i cant go out of any city . loading screen stay there for ever . i can here my abilities and i can press esc for option but laoding screen doesnt disapear

me too so yeah

the game has been crashed for two time in a short time. When it crashed, it pops up the unity error window. Dev if you see this please fix it, it is really annoying.

Iā€™m confused by the layout of the information here is online still unavailable? If it is available I canā€™t get past the initial loading screen into the game.

Itā€™s currently online Iā€™m in wengari or whatever fortress no waiting to zone in or anything, most likely due to Europe being asleep (Iā€™m just saying on my end donā€™t know about anyone else) iā€™m on the u.s central at 44 ping

I played smoothly on EU server for an hour just now, yet the chat didnā€™t work. Same thing happened in the afternoon for a while.

Iā€™m trying to play with my GF and it does the same thing, itā€™s freaking annoying as it wasnā€™t doing this yesterday.

well thatā€™s not much of a bad thing having no chat because most of the time its just a bunch dingus pooping out their mouths, would be funny and messed up if it was the chat causing the problems XD.

Thank you for your hard work! Just finished my 5 hours session (campaign+monos) and everything was really smooth this time. I tried both EU west and US central. Loading times were either instant or less than 10 seconds.

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Just wanted to report that I played for about an hour at 8pm EST and it was smoother than butter. Zoning basically instant without any hiccups.

Thanks for your hard work

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Congratulations on the game, this is the second time Iā€™ve mentioned it. You have satisfied quite a few players, now we just need to improve and make it even easier for more players to enter and try to create a good community. That being said, I just have to say good job to the entire Staff team and thank you for the great game and free rewards i dont have rewardsā€¦ but np i can wait

And Iā€™d call that a typo in the code - glad to see you are agreeing with me. :grinning:

The launch issues weā€™ve seen were presumably put in before the developers were very tired and stressed trying to fix things, so that statement is a non sequitur (and thusā€¦)

If I had based my original post off of one typo in one message, Iā€™d agree with you. (Though I might argue that times like this are the very times itā€™s most important to take 30 seconds to proofread. It would also be the time Iā€™d most hope a very tired and stressed developer would get another dev to review proposed changes.)

When I originally wrote ā€œWhat worries me more and more is that the EHG people constantly have spelling and grammar mistakes in their posts. It shows a lack of attention to detail and CPUs are not forgiving about typos in code.ā€, I was not referring to a single post or or even all of todayā€™s updates. By ā€œconstantlyā€ I meant a pattern Iā€™ve seen over the past couple years. Now putting this post in the server status thread makes it possible to interpret as you seem to have. For that I will apologize.

Comparing to Blizzard would not be fair, but I think I can compare to pre-Tencent GGG. If you go through all the new updates, including when - no, especially when - dealing with launch problems, their use of language has been consistently good. Even way back when, when devs argued ā€œitā€™s not lagā€ in the PoE forum they expressed themselves well.

You can argue that forum posts donā€™t matter, itā€™s the game that counts. Sadly, in-game I see a lot of little issues that EHG has just let pile up over the years. A simple one is to go to the character screen and hover over Stun Avoidance. See the extra "< br/>< br/>"s? That would probably be trivial to fix. Has their QA simply not noticed it for years?

As Jeff Atwood said:
ā€œProgramming is insanely detail oriented, and perhaps this is why: if youā€™re not on top of the details, the perception is that things are out of control, and itā€™s only a matter of time before your project spins out of control. Maybe we should be sweating the small stuff .ā€

Hey everyone check out this Insane bug!! https://youtube.com/shorts/-wfjJcXrc34?feature=share

As someone who was previously critical, it would be hypocritical to not come back and say congratulations on what appears to be overcoming a rough first couple days.


Anyone have a fix for the stuck on loading screen then timeout when trying to load a character? I cant even play my old Legacy character as it just sits on splash screen (yes I patched) tried changing regions too without success. I can make new characters just cant play them.

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The game is not fixed for everyone (even after the latest patch) for all of you sheep who refuse accept how bad the launch has been with your endless excuses and comparisons to other games. Personally speaking, the game is even worse now with increased latency/lag and bugs.

As a solo player, I am happy with the online functionality at the moment. I hope the coop issues get resolves soon as well.

Team, i just updated game, and trying to log in, i do not see my character at all! no monster are seen no character! is everyone have same issue?

In your steam library, right click on gameā€™s name and then click on properties. Under ā€œInstalled Filesā€ tab click on ā€œVerify integrity of game filesā€.