1.0 Server Status Thread

It’s not a complaint, it’s a long-term concern. I write software for a living, and I’ve found that people who don’t pay attention to their use of human language tend to do the same in code. Having different primary languages within a team is a challenge, and having people spread all over the world compounds it, because you can’t get everyone in a room together to get on the same page - and video conferencing is just not the same.

As far as I know, GGG has very few remote workers - you pretty much have to move to NZ to work with them. And similarly now that Covid lockdown has ended, Blizzard also wants people back in the office.

That EHG has gotten this far with Last Epoch while facing the extra hurdles of different languages and remote work is impressive. And it’s a complex product with a lot of moving parts, so clear communication between teams is key. After they do the post-mortem on the launch issues, I would not be surprised if it turns out that the root cause was different people having mismatched expectations about the responsibilities of different parts of the code. (Like when the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed because one team was thinking in English units and another in metric.)

??? I mean what I wrote, I just tried and shit didnt work.

You do realize that someone using improper grammar/spelling in a forum post is vastly different than coding right? You also realize that motor coding is also vastly different than gaming coding right? You act like you know everything about what’s going on with the dev team so why not just go and make your own version of this game and let’s see how your stability is when you launch :smirk:. Every version of coding for anything is vastly different than the next. Just because you might write code for banking software doesn’t mean you know anything about game coding :upside_down_face:

Absolutely nothing has changed, idk what they do

This is terrible.

I haven’t been able to log on to the server for 11 hours.

I’ve been trying to load a character and I’ve never been able to do it.

I’ve tried different servers, I’ve tried countless times to connect.

and I still can’t get in.

I’m curious, what kind of software development do you do and know about?

I’ve seen improvements in load times myself so it might just be a you problem plus tons of other people are seeing improvements and have said they’ve seen improvements as well. Relax though, your zoomer brain can handle a couple minutes of load times here and there :upside_down_face:

yes, apparently my monitor drivers are outdated. You would rather find specialists to solve the problem than mislead investors with fake accounts

“CPUs are not forgiving about typos in code”

My G the game is made with Unity.
C# is a compiled language.
It’s literally impossible to build with a typo.

The “you forgot a semicolon” joke doesn’t apply here.

You’re a one-trick software developer.

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I’m hopeful for the multiplayer patch targeting transition times. While I’ve managed to somewhat play solo (with long transition times) we’ve been completely incapable of playing co-op in EU West. Getting in a party is hard and we havent been able to play on the same zone yet (somehow not instanced together)

After the patch the game started crashing almost every time I teleported

A typo like misspelling one variable name for another?
Code that compiles is not the same as code that works correctly.

And as I replied to MetallicJive, I’m curious, what kind of software development are you an expert in?

A typo =!= using the wrong variable.

You said because they made typos in community messages, they’re likely to make typos in code. I said it’s not possible because you can’t make typos in C#. Now you’re moving the goalpost to making mistakes in codes.

What’s next?

Yes, a variable name mix-up can be a simple typo. It’s really easy to do in nested “for” loops with short index names. A ‘-’ instead of a ‘+’ is also a typo that the compiler may not catch, depending on context. I’d class a lot of situations where the programmer knew what they were doing and how to express it in code, but typed something different that didn’t quite work as a typo. What would you call it?

I believe a big factor is attention to detail (and proof-reading) - which is what my original post was about.

You do realize that is the same thing right? What do you think controls the load times?

While I am glad you are able to play and have a majority of your issues fixed. I and others like me cannot even enter the game beyond a perma load screen that persists until inactivity time out rinse repeat. I have been able to create characters but it will not actually load the game itself. That has us understandably upset. Some need to be less abrasive but dont be too dismissive.

A variable mix-up can happen to anyone, even the best developers.
It can also happen to dyslexic people.
It can also happen to very tired and stressed developers doing their best to fix their game.

And as we’ve already stated, a hasty community message with a typo isn’t representative of the overall studio’s expertise. It’s a non sequitur, thus stupid.

Whatever floats your boat pal, idgaf about your opinion on this and that, stop talking to me, not that i will reply anymore anyways mind you

Nothing has changed for me, I still can’t enter the game like 13 hours before. maybe the team did something, but it didn’t help me at all. have a great weekend

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The load times are much better than yesterday, but it is consistently putting my & my party member in different instances when we move to the next zone and that isn’t great.