1.0 Server Status Thread

The thing that puzzles me is the fact that people are this mad about a very very small indie company that’s all remote being able to get a majority of issues sorted out in 3 days. Don’t forget about Error 37 guys which took about a week to fix and that’s from a multibillion corp. “Day 3 game still doesn’t work” from someone above? LUL I’ve been playing just fine… Stop acting like you’re 12 and too impatient to wait a couple minutes to load… They could have just not started their fix right away. At least a majority of issues have been fixed.


MB I read the time as if for a different time zone my is GMT forgot that they had the PT to GMT translation. Just a bit too excited to play I’m enjoying my time making my own disintegration build without a guide because I find that more interesting than copy and pasting. Thanks for the notice again I read the patch but should have checked that my time zone has been already shown, it is a bit confusing when I see the forum PT on dev side and GMT in the highlighted text.

My suggestion to other indie companies trying to launch their first title, is make the website look a little more amateur. The dark backgrounds, trying to mimic the likes of what Blizzard or bethesda do, gives a lot of ignorant users who’ve never worked a day in their lives certain expectations.

np it’s never fun to be kicked out I understand the frustration.

I myself just lost my (only) dungeon key to this, oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

Before they patch that they did a few minutes ago the gameplay was smooth glad to play the game btw with major improvements from before!!!

This actually is one of the dumbest complaints I’ve seen in this thread and in the discord combined. You know a lot of the team is English as second language right? You know the team is spread all over the world right?

I lost my dungeon key because the brightness was a bit too low and got one shot by the roots that I couldn’t see, hopefully I get another one soon and u2!

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Just let him cry more… he dont use his brain the right way i guess

It was running very smoothly for me for the last 1,5 hours, even better than before the launch when it comes to transitioning between maps. Untill I tried to enter Maj’elka and got DC when loading. Now I’m just unable to login, I assume game trying to load me into a congested map. Anyone else having this issue?

LETS GO GUYS SERVERS ARE BACK, currently playing US east because EU has been a bit doggo for now! ENJOY!! Quick load times btw!!!

It’s a patch on there server

But new server = lost characters, right?

no just switch region to USE or USZentral and you are good to go with your char

Really? Odd, but okay

i wont be surprisded if they rig the solo play even more as soon as they try to fix group play

Quite some improvement since the release day, thanks guys. I love the game so far and looking forward to sink many hours in. :slight_smile:

im from eu west . andi cant do anything !!! for 12 hours !!!

its not just me all solo players are crying

“online play unavailable”, EU, 23:48 in the evening. Jesus.

i cant see my Char and the world is empty, pls fix it fast