1.0 Server Status Thread

Read the top message. They’re patching at the moment, servers down for 15min.

Been playing online for the past 3 or 4 hours without issues on EU West, until shutdown/restart, so not sure what you mean with “game still doesn’t work.”

Please know that this update will cause servers to be down for approximately 15 minutes while it is deploying.

Just said this, so yea, wait 15 mins

They announced a patch and downtime about 15 minutes. Scroll to top of the page…

What worries me more and more is that the EHG people constantly have spelling and grammar mistakes in their posts. It shows a lack of attention to detail and CPUs are not forgiving about typos in code.

[edit add] I see that need to clarify. I am not just talking about the status updates, and I am not just talking about today. By “constantly” I mean a pattern I’ve seen over the past couple years.

Comparing to Blizzard would not be fair, but I think I can compare to pre-Tencent GGG. If you go through all the news updates, including when - no, especially when - dealing with launch problems, their use of language has been consistently good. Even way back when, when devs argued “it’s not lag” in the PoE forum they expressed themselves well.

You can argue that forum posts don’t matter, it’s the game that counts. Sadly, in-game I see a lot of little issues that EHG has just let pile up over the years. A simple one is to go to the character screen and hover over Stun Avoidance. See the extra "< br/>< br/>"s? That would probably be trivial to fix. Has their QA simply not noticed it for years?

As Jeff Atwood said:
“Programming is insanely detail oriented, and perhaps this is why: if you’re not on top of the details, the perception is that things are out of control, and it’s only a matter of time before your project spins out of control. Maybe we should be sweating the small stuff .”

In my head, I hear Einhar’s voice saying “Do you not have proofreaders, Exile?!?”

The third day after release and game is still unplayable. Crashes, disconnctions, freezes. Nothing but apologies here and there. Devs, you’re pro’s without a doubt! You can cal this a 1.0 but game quality is like damn broken aplha, not a release version. And it don’t worth its cost, really.

BRO THE SECOND monolith echo with a BOW bonus… connection lost… ffs I’m pissed

community manager =/= dev also hastily written responses to tide over angry crowds =/= code you go over and over again to make it at the very least compilable


Today i played for 5h without any issues so what are you talking about?

What a dumb thing to say. Do you think the people making hasty CM messages and the developers are the same?

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I was lucky - found a waypoint and went to town just before I lost connection.

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Imagine playing the game smoothly like I did a few minutes ago with no loading issues, smooth transitions, almost instantly loading from map to map and lost connection; now I’m trying to connect to the server SMH.

that has got to be the dumbest whine of all since this thread started hahah

Have fun! Wish more people could play though.

Clearly you struggle to read the whole thread though cause most people replying about patch are saying its even worse post patch. All I’m saying. If you think that’s me “trying to get to people” then you misunderstand me.

No need to try, they’re deploying a patch. Read the notes.

You are lucky. I’ve played for a half of an hour then server disconnected. Again.

15 minute patch deployment since 3PST

Patch deployment seems to be done, see ya guys.

Is EHG a big company with separate departments?

EUW is up again!

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