1.0 Server Status Thread

Click switch to offline mode, and then back to online, and then enter the game. This tip has been going round for over a day now…

You’re just lying to yourself. It’s okay though.

I also don’t see how I need to be someone’s friend to say “cope harder please”. Sorry that hurt you.

That won’t do anything since the patch fixed graphical issues as mentioned idk how many times. Great you’re experiencing less lag and crashes but no need to give people advice that won’t fix the issue.

To be fair, GGG has been doing this for a decade, and some of the league launches have been legendary, even in Hell.
So far, my overall experience has been positive. I’ve had issues loading into zones over the first two days, but mostly it was just taking a minute when I was expecting 15-20 seconds, or the transition not working at all. I had to back out of the game 3-4 times, but never got disconnected. Once I got into a zone, gameplay has been smooth… latency has been stable and low; my friend and I are playing void knight and bladedancer, so we’ve been doing mostly melee, where you really want low and stable latency.

The loading issues have been an annoyance, but it hasn’t prevented us from enjoying the game per se, we just get more breaks than we would prefer.

PS, bladedancer is FUN FUN FUN… thanks EHG. :ninja:

But it did fix things. As many have reported, myself included, it got playable after the patch.

I’m in game right now, have been for the past 2 hours. 0 issue. 0 loading time.

That’s definitely an improvement.

Great news for y’all’s. The game definitely got better recently but I never downloaded any patch. Which is why I really doubt there is any correlation between the two. Although I don’t work at ehg. Having had no real update on the servers from them is what I’m basing on to say it shouldn’t be 100% fixed until they say so. I’ll trust them saying it over any other person in here since they’re the ones who should know.

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Fair enough

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It got worst for me, now every 2-3 load screens it kicks me off the game. and having to teleport each time close to the site I was gives me the icks

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If you say so. There is no point in arguing with you here tbh, so have fun trying to get to people while i’ll play LE which is running perfectly fine, it’s been smooth sailing since said patch, i’m lvl 40 as of now with my Falconeer :slight_smile:

From discord news:

"We will be deploying a fix shortly (at 20:00, which is now in my timezone) to address group/party-play with the intent on improving scene transitions.

Please know that this update will cause servers to be down for approximately 15 minutes while it is deploying"

Well, waiting for new fixes).
But it was good past few hours)

yeah still love the game.

Yeah the last hour or two it was perfect nearly.

20~30 sec max loads. Sometimes even not enough time for a quick sip.

Whatever ya guys are doing its finally working ^^.

Barely managed to beat Laggoon … before shutdown ^^.

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Lagoon. Our old friend. Died once today, what a shame.

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Server dead


Day 3 game still doesn’t work.

Game was running much better than this morning, got to end of zone had to click portal to end the quest, LE61 error 3 times then disconnected now cant get back in. Awesome.

Jetzt hängt grad wieder alles

It does, today it’s pretty ok already.