1.0 Server Status Thread

What do you mean i got nothing ? As i said you i’d be happy to help, but my game dev knowledge ends up in game jam.

I’m no GAME developer, but as a developer, in my job, when a features cause troubles either i fix it before it goes live or i remove it.

Based on your philosophy, Online should have been removed from Last Epoch right? Well, it has been removed. It’s called Offline mode lol. “I’m no GAME developer” says all we need to know. Stick to what you’re good at.

Seems that you don’t know how LE was developped, but during a time there was an online mode where you couldn’t interact withot others or see them in town, which means there is, or was a way to remove the matchmaking which is causing most of troubles.

Sticking what i’m good at won’t make me a better person or developper. SO i won’t apply your advice :wink:

Server not online error. AGRRRRR!

Which region?

Nearly 30h since release and all this problems…really sad

The well-known bashing doesn’t take long to arrive and that’s because the same mistakes were made at launch as with all other providers.
I was hoping for more, but in the end you can only keep waiting. In fact, what’s going on right now is pitiful. That has to be mentioned.

I can see how my post came off as a bit distasteful, so I would just like to apologize for that, I was not trying to attack you. I was merely trying to say that this patch does not affect the servers. I hope more of us can join you and it continues to work and more people can enjoy the game.

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If i bashed LE devs at any point in my messages i’m sorry about it. I had no intention of doing that.

And like you i was hoping for more since they did a great job during all beta.

I only play offline so it’s great that the game even has the option to do so, who wants to deal with lag and random disconnects - not me.

Thank you for the consistent updates. Situations like these happen no matter how much one can prepare, but it’s the lack of communication that can turn everything to hell, so it was very reassuring to see you didn’t drop the ball on keeping us up to date. Regardless of the server issues, congrats on the release. I’m having a blast. (also the game looks SO PRETTIER NOW! It’s crazy!). Pay the network team the biggest round of pizza and booze once this is all over! Y’all deserve it!

Still cant even get past character creation. The Old Road never loads just spins forever until it disconnects

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I worry this is a much more fundamental issue to fix than they’re letting on. A shitty launch can be bad for a games longevity. Especially if it gets review bombed too hard and no one wants to pick up the game because of negative reviews. And from what I’ve seen I want this game to do well

What are you talking about, the issues are gone.
Played last 1.5h without a singe issue!

Just restart Steam, make sure you installed latest patch to the game, and to be sure, restart PC :slight_smile:

Then just enjoy the game!

GL guys!

GGG can handle new seasons properly because they’ve got years more experience and the game is online first not an after thought so the way the game is architected is most likely different. GGG, at this point, is way larger and the experience compounds on itself as they also have to deal with console releases as well.

/s I suppose?

Excellent game so far having a blast with it love that it’s a bit streamlined like diablo 4 but still complex enough that it reminds me a bit of POE yet no so complex a few things though I got game yesterday 2/22/24 just got to start in online mode works well enough but does have connection time outs specifically when I use back portal to town. have had it happen 4 times so far just letting y’all know I know y’all working on it. And other thing but would love to see a roll added in at some point but of course no rush keep up the good work very much appreciated and looking forward to see how the game evolves from here.

It’s fine, but i never talked about the servers, only about the loading times.

So we buy product that is complete and ready and even after 53 hours can’t login on EUW right now… jeez how crap staff can be

That’s crazy dude, I’m on my 3rd level 20 character.

It’s so weird the gap between players experiences.

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