1.0 Server Status Thread

The article is one thing, what’s in this topic is another.

The main issue in here is that matchmaking is struggling to process that amount of players, that’s what they communcated about.
Then Either remove matchmaking early on, it’s a feature, should be doable, maybe hard, but doable to unplug for a time, or scale the matchmaking servers.

And to be fair, if you run the game for 1 prople perfectly, it’s a scaling probelm wince you dont’ want to pay for a server for a player, but it could “remove” the problem

An during the last weeks of 0.9.2d, there was issues about loadings too and they said fresh servers would clear the problem. So they knew smth was up.

Want this fixed before saturday? Mass refund, enjoy working game in next 2 hours.

“Server issues continue to be our highest priority and we have assigned all possible resources to resolve the server issues. These fixes come from our other teams who’s skill sets do not apply to server issues such as the art and design teams, working in tandem”. :upside_down_face:

The game is working sooooo smooooth now, thank you guys, worth waiting! Good job, you can we proud of yourself!!

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lmao just read the mf above me and i get the “server not online error”

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Sounds like you should contact every game studio and offer your services on retainer. I’m surprised that EHG haven’t contacted you personally and said “Hey those are great ideas!” none of us ever thought of that. With your help we’ll have the game up and running in no time!"

Was working like a dream for a good while, then it just reverted back to infinite loading screens. EUW.

It concerns me that there are still so many server issues, especially when the game was stable before the 1.0 launch. Makes me feel there was more than just server provisioning miscalculations causing a bottleneck given the scale and scope of the issues.

Makes me worried the system wasn’t load tested properly at a higher scale. Like again, don’t know what the code base looks like and what the testing process is like… But it worries me. I’ll probably just stick with offline mode and take a look at only mode later if I still feel like playing.


What exactly are you worried about? Do you think EHG is going to shut down and say “Sorry guys, we tried, but we can’t do it.” or is it that you only have a month to live, and you’re worried that you’re going to die before you get play Last Epoch issue-less?

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The game is up and running like a charm, in offline mode, which means, the problems come and came during beta from “multiplayer” features, they had over 1 years to figure it out, they even sa that problems of loading times where there during the last part of the beta, they decided to realse it like that, i can’t change it, and yes if they want to contact me i would be happy to help. But your fake paper about “it’s impossible” is just a bunbch of lies where the truth is always stuidos don’t want to use enough ressources, meaning time or money on releases, else explain me why GGG can handle neaw seasons properly. And see that i didn’t say perfectly, but properly.

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Having exactly the same issue

you remember when poe dropped out of alpha XD
there where issues asswel. not 3 days of being unable t oswitch maps.

They also had desyncs for like 5 years.

Look it’s working for me and for many others here as you can see, after the patch, so idk what you want to say

Well, if you really feel you can fix all of the issues, get on Discord and start messaging all of the EHG employees. Send them your resume and a list of all the other games you rescued from technical launch issues. Stop wasting time posting here, and rescue us.

Well said. It all comes down to strategic decision making and Launch day planning. While I’m always for supporting the underdog and quality projects like these. Anyone in the tech industry knows that issues happen, it’s inevitable. However, how you handle these issues is what matters most and the expediency of it all. Yes communication and transparency is important but so is “dooms day” scenario planning as well.

I’m sure in their war-room it’s chaotic and having the pressure of thousands of players and possibly investors aren’t making things easy. But resource allocation and prioritization of stories/epics to fix is something that might be mismanaged at this point.

The blanketed: Offline mode works is not an answer to thousands of players who bought this to play with their friends.

True but with time and experience they managed to handle it pretty correctly.

This part about GGG, was respondig ot the article he adviced people to read about “it’s impossible to launch a game without (huge) problems”

I just rescued you, go play offline there is no issue there.

Got nothing now?

Dont know what you did, but its working!