1.0 Server Status Thread

Seems to me that the update helped, eu west.

made US east worse


3 days*.You can like the game,enjoy the gameplay loop and still think this launch has been an abject disaster.

Updates are nice but results would speak way louder than any update.


nothing helped.
tooooo bad!!!

EU west is ded. canā€™t connect

Guys, you cannot say ā€œstuff will be disrupted momentarilyā€ and then go radio silent for 2 hours while transitions completely stop working.


there is something about learning from otherā€™s mistake that helps with that, even if no crystal ball. Should have learned from POE and their disastrous launches till they smartened up and got more servers for initial days to not have these sort of problems. After initial releases, they lessened their server counts. Havent seen those launch issues on POE for at least a few of the last league releases.


I hope will be fixed today

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What will happen next.
At night the flow of players will decrease, the developers will report on the fix.
And tomorrow everything will happen again.
The main problem of the game is too many players. Time will fix this.


Yeah, Iā€™m actually get into zones pretty quickly now. Iā€™m US Eastā€¦ not sure if that helps things.

this game is doomed. weekend is coming. players will flood in and they donā€™t even have a plan B.

Yeah, most people canā€™t get a refund. But also, they donā€™t want to.

Weā€™re not refunding a good game because itā€™s not playable immediately. Thatā€™s stupid.

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itā€™s embarrassing, it doesnā€™t work at all anymore, well done

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My count is two days and even thats being generous; It officially launched on the 21st at like 10/11am CST.

I agree it been rocky and exceptionally frustrating to play; Thats a far cry from being ā€œthe worst game launch everā€ like some people are claiming.

I stand by my original statement; Yall need to chill.

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I cant play after patch 1.0.0D. back to infinite loadings. Iā€™m on South America. Jesusā€¦

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Nothing changed, still not able to log into EU-West.

Trying other servers, it takes long time before being able to log in and then you are stuck in scene transitions before getting kicked out due to lost connection

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then what purpose did the test actually serve?

cant log in EU WEST WTF IS THAT ???

Just updated and loading screens are 10 seconds now, game hasnt run this smoothly since start

i cant log in EU WEST ???