1.0 Server Status Thread

It’s not possible, people could hack the hell out of their offline character and then port it over and wreck the trade economy. The whole point of Online is to make cheating like that impossible.

How nice, weekend arrived and 10-15 min waiting for loading screen with it, and then another 5 min for the loading screen to finally port me in the next area of the game, on aussie server where i have 300 ping cuz otherwise i need to wait like 30 min to even get to the game.

no just remake you do it at the end of cycles anyways

the worst launch ever . will be king for a wile and that title belongs to a 25 year old title called Anarchy Online. couldn’t be played for months after launch. they actually had to rewrite code for packets using UDP into TCP took em months.

I dont see any difference in the update. Its still sitting at entering a zone…

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After getting my hopes up, it seems that the update didn’t change anything.

The update actually made it worse for me since this morning. I can’t get out of End of Time no matter where I go, including Monos.

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LOL wut?!

Diablo 3 was literally unplayable for a week. Not “logged in with long loading screens with tons of people at max level” unplayable, you literally couldn’t log into the damn game.

Diablo 4 still has rubberbanding issues and massive performance issues due to awful infrastructure design like loading every player’s entire stash whenever they’re within rendering range.

Path of Exile has issues literally every single league launch that cause game-breaking bugs and connectivity issues.

And you call a game that is only intermittently struggling due to unanticipated super high loads “the worst launch ever?” You sound like a slow-learning child.


shouldnt have got your hopes up

yes I know its channeled skill. I am not a casual player mate :smiley: I know this skill mechanic but still rampage has a bug.character running steady in place, and appears somewhere else as if teleported

New update seems to have helped me. Logged in quickly, was able to port to Heoborea in no time and it only took like 30 seconds to load the zone I was stuck on before.

The same. Zone load is slow. but a lot better than before

This update broke it for me, can’t even log in now. US Central.

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Can’t even log in after update anymore. It was fine ish before update, sometimes couple of minutes of loading screen. Now after 10 mins of logging in getting LE-61. :frowning:

No no, I understand what he is saying. I am pointing out that whatever testing they did was clearly pointless, and if the test is expected to not yield results, then why even have it?

Testing for the sake of futility?

the only reason i was keeping trying to login is because i cannot get refund. my time was wasted in the connecting.

btw, to call other ppl an idiot in a onlike game forum is a real idot in the real life.

And with the hotfix it’s still dead. But hey, now we have 25 characters slots!) We can look at them at character selection screen.


you must be special. I am trying to get to the same zone and its been sitting there now for over 4 minutes

Its def been a rocky start but you people claiming this is the “worst game launch ever” are unhinged.

You’re dating yourself as new gamers if you think some server stabilility issues just 2-3 days out of launch makes it “the worst game launch ever”.

Just off the top of my head i can name a handful that were worse:

New World
Fallout 76
No Mans Sky
Assassin’s Creed Unity

Its been like 2 days; Y’all need to calm down. Let them cook or do us a favor; Refund and get outta here with that nonsense.


I mean, if you had a crystal ball that told you that all of the testing you are doing will be futile and you will miss an important issue that will cause massive problems, then yeah sure why even test? But as far as I know, crystal ball technology has not been invented yet.