1.0 Server Status Thread

Well done. I still can’t log into the game :slight_smile:

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Got stuck in an infinite loading screen for Northern Stream. Had to Alt-F4 the game, verified my files to make sure it was good, spent 15 minutes logging back and porting to get back… and stuck in Northern Stream loading screen again. Over 5 minutes now.

The game isn’t just slow, it’s unplayable online and I really don’t want to have to start another new character offline.

So, I’ll close the game and come back in a month when they finally get it fixed.


should take a year before this shit is fixed


As a game programmer myself, I can’t wait to read the post-mortem of this project.

It should prove very useful for the indie Unity development community.


I am scared they don’t know what to do, any other title with this bad of a launch would have had many hot fixes already. the fact they have had none is scary.


Oh, so very nice a young person. Sadly i have to go back to my perfocards. The newer guys also call them punch cards and code this games f-ing server logic in pure binary !

I don’t mean to be rude or not appreciating last epoch teams work, but can we get estimated date when servers are expected to be stable?


Look at from a Diablo2 POV - Bringing a character you started offline into seasonal play would really screw up the leader boards. So yeah, you can’t change over from offline to online. Hey! This game is awesome. It’s how Diablo 4 was suppose to be. So just be patient. This the most fun I have had with a game (and I’ve played almost all the RPGs) since 12/2004 when I started WoW which at the time was so awesome. Right now I try online but switch to offline when things get bad to practice and just have fun.

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In twilight’s hush, 'neath moonlit gleam,
I sought the cultist camp unseen.
Yet fate did jest, in wry cartoon,
For I was trapped in loading boon.


Can’t change zones trying to enter “The Last Archive” not getting any error just not happening

give us date when this will be working! ffs

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Day 3 and I still can’t get in. Just in case my experience isn’t the same as everyone else’s…

  1. Login to the online server (US East) works fine.
  2. The lvl. 1 character I created two days ago is there and character selection works fine.
  3. I try to enter the online game, get as far as the loading screen for The Old Road, and that is where progress ends. It sits on that loading screen for ten or fifteen minutes and then I lose my connection to the server.
  4. I have never gotten any further than this on any attempt to play online.

Offline mode works perfectly well, and I played about 150 hours online during Early Access, so I know the game can run in my environment. Hope this information helps.


Pretty much think the game is doomed with it going into the weekend and more people trying to play

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my lootfilter stopped working. it hid everything and couldn’t turn it off. now i can’t connect

Assembler is the one true programming language. All others are just waste of storage space and memory.


They have made zero progress as far as i can tell…as soon as numbers go up trying to play the game goes to shit everyday


I bet not many know what an int 13h command does?

it is still taking over 6 minutes to transition to another zone.

Or maybe they don’t need hotfixes because it has nothing to do with your client and everything to do with their infrastructure and setup there.

I must disagree with you young sir.

Opening a direct physical link to the CPU’s pins an manually entering binary electrical signals into the CPU is a far better approach in terms of space and memory.