1.0 Server Status Thread

btw I’m so happy to see at least one other person who knows their shit about tech <3


Looks like NA West is down for anything other than loading into End of Time. I’ll say that even though the server issues have been frustrating, I still understand that even if they said they were prepared that these issues are highly complex and honestly, I chalk up the overconfidence to a lack of experience w/ actual launches; they’re an indie studio and I’m dubious that they were actually aware of all the issues they’d face.

Regardless, the takeaway should be this: in the time I have been able to play, this game has already been more enjoyable than the entire time I spent playing D4. Every build feels good to play, and the game is legitimately just fun as hell. Hopefully EHG is able to iron out the issues soon, but in the meantime I’m just using offline to experiment w/ other chars than my main mastery.


sucks for EU

makes sense, they’re using US Central as a test environment in order to give the bug-free version to the other regions

They were so confident though.

Makes me wonder what firms they hired and what methodologies they used. Also makes me wonder what kind of shit show architecture they have underneath because even before release their servers didn’t feel good.

WTF i cannot even connect for the last 30+minutes. EU West is as good as offline ffs. Evening 3/ Come on. Hire me so i can come and fix your f-ing code and then quit !

How good are you at programming FORTRAN and COBOL?

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EU West is dead.
I can log in to US East and Central, but can’t travel to any location.
Awesome fixes)


FORTRAN and COBOL servers are usually pretty reliable because they’re often legacy systems that can process millions of things without crashing. It might be slow, but it won’t crash and they’re usually for more critical things like pay checks and banking information.

Can’t say that EHG has made anything reliable when it comes to online play.

Sorry, but I code only in “Arnold C”.

TALK TO THE HAND “hello world”

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I want my money back.


At this moment EU West is † @Dev’s: Love you and Last Epoch. Patience is the only way to go for us gamer <3


EU West isn’t dead, I’m currently playing. It just takes up to 3-4 minutes to load scenes.

No, sorry. I usually do Whitespace, brainfuck and the mooMoo programming languages. Arnold C at best some times. Hope you learned something new.

Wow they really dont fixed anything since 3 days.
Im really sorry for that game, because its good.
But perfomance sucks


Thats great for you! For me its even impossible to join the game

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Nope. I still know how to do my FORTRAN and COBOL. Not aware of any of that newer stuff as I’m all in the hardware game these days.

I am playing on EU west on this second…

Yikes. are the dev so incompetent? what takes so long to fix?

What’s the tax rate like?