1.0 Server Status Thread

congrats, but you are very much the exception based on player reports

This is the case because we make excuses for it as fan boys to allow it to continue. We can all live with bugs, but this is day 2 going on day 3 of unplayable for most (yes online, we dont care about offline mode) and god for bid you say its a terrible launch people will quickly say "but but but in 1996 diablo 2 was a bad launch!!) cool… but this game was in beta for almost 7 years and bragged about having 1 million pre orders thats $35,000,000+ and 7 years of testing to maybe have a smoother launch than this. We can actually sit here and say the game really didnt even launch lol. So you can sit there and say “but its never smooth” and accept it or complain/refund until it is fixed and play then.

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xD dude… free weekends dont generate that load.

People dont wanna play in betas or alphas … they want to keep their stuff and play when its there.

One reason of many … they’re good to see the worst problems.
But wont test server load effectively.

I have been around in many alphas and server crunch tests…

Would like to see either a timezone called out for the updates, or the website updating the timestamps based on the users’ timezone. Thanks, and keep it up, launching an online game is no small feat!

You said it like “it isnt completely unplayable, you have a full working menu, and options” ^^

I’ve said it before but Ill say it again, this game is amazing and worth your time to play but the fact of the matter is they failed. yes things will get fixed in time and all that but everyone is entitled to how they feel about the situation good or bad people all spent money and time


im telling you, offline merchants guild is hype

Playing monoliths works fine. No loading screen issues.

Despite your considerable efforts, you would not be suited for a role as a community manager or a forum moderator.


ahh come on, you can do better

you made it to highschool, surely you picked up some decent trash talking that isnt just from a CoD lobby

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Yeah I know, I already have zilions of gold trading with myself! Never felt better in my life! :grin:

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Was multiplayer always this way, dropping groups when loading as well as appearing in different layers to your party members?

I have no confidence this is the case because this exact same problem (unacceptably long loading screens) has plagued the game for over a year.


Lmao, I see the fanboy circle justifying a disasterous launch with “it’s like that everywhere” is going strong. Then again, even Overwatch 2 had some dumbos defending it.


those in game skins wont buy themselves!! someone has to support the multi billion dollar monster that Blizz is a part of!

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High chance the devs think the same thing about all the crying and boohooing

If it was not a piece of software that can be fixed, and is actively being worked on, then I would expect him to lose his patience. Anyone who isn’t a 60+ year old boomer knows how software works these days. Not everything works as you want it. That is why there are patches etc. If this company literally was doing nothing, then yea, be pissed, but we are getting hourly updates ffs.

I did 15 years as a grunt, releasing enterprise level software, I understand how it all works. My beef here is they have a thread, giving updates in the thread almost hourly, and people still whine. This is the most transparent I have ever seen a release, and people still wank on


Its like hearing politicals says “they stealed too”


pretty sure the timezone they use is CST (central standard)