1.0 Server Status Thread

not whole, i have a 20 lvl character XD

you sir, are stupid beyong relief. why would u choose merchants on offline and not the other one, wich would be given to take.

if thats your biggest problem you need to recheck your life.

some complaints, sure

to this degree tho? cā€™mon bro

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Guys chillā€¦ just make some tea, some food and watch a movie.

Read a book.

Learn something new.


Game will be here for a long time to comeā€¦

Yeah it sucks that its not perfectly launched and that it has problems.
Heck when the user count is around 100kish it works quite well. Even beta then the beta ā€¦
Its just too many people fucing with the matchmaking serverā€¦

Give them time to fix it xD.

I suggest some good old anime.

Like outlaw star.

When ya finished with it, stuff will run more smoothly xd.

Inb4 Exit scam?! Not the first time in the gaming industry lolz :smiley:

hey Alexa, can you show me someone too vapid to recognize sarcasm?

Some people here have too much free time, touch grass

but the game is playable dumbumb
if i wanted to see crying id go find someone in person thats crying.

did you say the same for Wolcen?


Naw Wolcen was going to bust simply cause the game wasnt fun.

Devs: ā€œwe are taking online down again to push an updateā€

bird brain consumers: ā€œgame is totally playable right nowā€


Ha, good one, now tell the same thing to the thousands of angry customers who did not get what they paid for. You can become the devsā€™ personal unpaid white knight PR, just tell everybody that they are dumb and need to stop whining!


hey google, can you define someone thats a derp

After the first 5-6 hours Iā€™ve been able to play pretty much anytime I want without issue

*place clown emoji here

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""Derp means ā€œstupidity or foolishness through spoken words.ā€ Synonyms: nonsense, moronic. (Ignore that derp you heard outside.) ā€œā€

They could make some free weekends to take a look of the load of the infrastructure side, but they donā€™t. So now we are having offline game play with no way to migrate out characters to online


Didnā€™t get what they paid for? They didnā€™t pay for ā€œZero issues on the first day it releasesā€, they paid for ā€œLast Epochā€ which is a live service game. This is literally not even 1 percent of the product.

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they do need to stop whining, lmao
you think crying is going to make them fix it faster? lol god you sound like a entilted brat. "But omg i bought this its COMPLETElY UNPLAYABLE, wich isnt true.

whiteknight no? ha good one. Sorry you cant handle the truth that you are a crying little brat.