1.0 Server Status Thread

say what u want mate u could expect when 150k+ ppl will barge into one place at the same time smth will be broke as i sayd u can be glad that there are no ques like in NW or lost ark thats it gl wasting time here instead of doing smth progressive lol

mindless consumerism strikes again

excusing failure because you like the devs is how you go from classic Bioware to modern Bioware. Mid 2000s Blizz to modern Blizz.

Its ok to have minimum standards for products you buy


i stopped reading at ‘wow’.

lots of pursuits in life are difficult, im not demanding anyone be tarred and feathered publicly. i just want my $35 back.

you still have access to offline! so product isnt completely broken!

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BEST POST EVER! :hearts:


the fan girls are pretty entertaining today

Think of the bright side, once (if) you get in, online chat works 100% perfectly. We can complain in real time.

Wild part is, we haven’t been able to play long enough to even start with the bug reports, that will be fun. But I am sure their are zero bugs because this game has been in beta since like 1997 lol

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Whoa whoa wait a sec … server down three evenings in row ?


Meanwhile in tech, almost everything related to gaming and hardware is broken for the first few days. Show me a single game that doesn’t have issues on launch days and a few days afterwards.

Actually, I only know about one: Frostpunk. That’s it.

If you want a product to not be broken on release, don’t use your PC.

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I bought the game and am very disappointed.EHG should have been more prepared regarding server load/stability.They are ruining it which otherwise seems to be a pretty decent game.
It’s more like if I buy an internet subscription I expect my internet to be up and running on the assured date/time. If this is not the case they deserve the criticism and also, I certainly don’t appreciate my provider asking me to wait patiently or/and enjoy working offline, period.


its playable lmao offline still works.
so yeah “unplayable” lmao

its the gift that keeps on giving the whole year, Clark

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and i bet you go ape shit, when theres an outage for your internet

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Then please refund and stay away from this forum, no one really cares about your public opinion.

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“guys, if you just keep lowering your standards then everything is awesome”


servers effectivly down for 3 whole days ina row, not just evenings.


TOO bad mate, you are stuck here with us, even if you dont play it!!!

The thing is if they did manage to simulate over 150k players logging in at once and found out their servers couldn’t handle it and delayed the launch because of it people would straight up complain.

If I wanted to play offline I would have just pirated the game.


Y’all are some kids for real