1.0 Server Status Thread

myself, and many others have reported not being able to log in or transfer from zone to zone

that is literally unplayable, so knock it off sweetheart


Maybe Blizzard can sell them some servers and or send some folks over to help sort this shit show. They canā€™t make content for shit but they can at least get a login screen to work.


Someone is butthurt lol if u have nothing to do just shit on developers thats the way the game will be playable u right buddy

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whos gonna tell himā€¦


Why donā€™t you knock it off and stop attacking anyone who even remotely is enjoying the game? Weā€™ve already established that while some of us CAN play the game, while not to perfection, we can play and have progressed. Some people such as yourself cannot. Just because YOU experience one thing does not make that the law. You donā€™t dictate the world. Stop harassing everyone who disagrees with you, youā€™ve been at this all day long.

Probably top 10 comments on this thread. Both ironic, moronic and true.

i havent done that at all, said many times i like EHG, Im just actually honest about the current state of things

horrible launch is horrible, deal with it

guy that refunded elden ring has opinionsā€¦


just chill out ppl will be annoying every time and dont even know what it is manage the game on this scale they are just wasting time here and doing nothing well i guess for me when it was unpalyable i played other games with friends its not that hard right

While it is very disappointing that the game is almost unplayable, I feel bad for all the people in this thread that are apparently dying in the next day or two. Sad that you wonā€™t get to play when they get it sorted.


Yes, imagine that. The idea that people can have opinions that differ from yours. Even more shocking, they can be correct!

its more about not wanting to support unfinished/unplayable games.

the irony that the white knights are so quick to lambaste triple a studios for the same behavior is not lost on me.


beeing watching the amazing comedy that is this forum, but you sir, won the medal of best comment soo far XD


idk bro, gonna need a source that shows you are capable of having a correct opinion

everyone got diff point of view mate but toxicity is other way yes servers are not good okay and what? its a third day of release game on a big scale create ur own game to see if u could manage

Yes sir!


Siren Sounds

Large Movement Sounds


ā€¦ Sir abort ā€¦ abort. Backend is stuck in the hangar door.
This is gonna take the whole weekend to fix xD.


Mate that is the worst argument iā€™ve ever heard on this topic.

You know what? I donā€™t know how to construct or build car, but when i buy one i do expect it to work as it was said to me when i was buying it.

Even more, i donā€™t have any idea how to heal cancer, but when iā€™m going to doctor and he is saying that he will cut it off no worries, then i do expect that he will do this and if he make something wrong i can sue him, even though itā€™s harder to make that kind of operation than dev a game.

Ppl have expectesions and they should have. Thatā€™s the way devs are getting pressure to fix their mistakes.


While i agree with your sentiment running an online game must be difficult. I have no personal experience with that. But even in WoW that has been running for 20 years i never schedule a raid on patch days because itā€™s not going to happen, and thatā€™s for a paid service

backend cause shut down servers xD , thanks a lot for deploy

so the only thing that was working and entertaining atm got rigged aswell? awesome.

good work ehg