1.0 Server Status Thread

We may already be in that territory sadly. If not then by end of weekend for sure as you said.

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Who said I was deciding? I just said give it a week, it was a relative time line. But crying on the forums like a fat kid in the sand box who just lost his toy because people can’t play an online game seamlessly 2 days after release is ridiculous.

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no one cares what you are tired of

you are complaining about complaining on an obscure video game forum while trying to take some kind of moral highground

i really hope your in game name is don quixote


I feel bad for your son.

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You shouldn’t, he is well positioned in life.

is there a popcorn emoji? seems fitting here…

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You have 52 posts in this thread, go outside dude.


can devs request that steam accept refunds with more than 2 hours of game time?

ive spent the majority of my play times waiting on load screens hoping to connect.


I would like your son to spend money he earned hard working on a not working toy, and then tell me how patient he is.


They can but they won’t :slight_smile:

I enjoy folks like you. Especially “senior” in the title. Not only cause the higher you’re up the tree the blinder you become. But unable to comprehend that you are paid to present a working product. Like in EVERY industry. Now every developer should get that thru their heads, before releasing un-usable borked software ,adware and ad-filled “applications” which look more like legit viruses from 95’ . “Click here for more RAM”.

Now with all my respect learn to recognize when something isn’t working for 3 days, and when something is just bugged, but there is a workaround. Offline isn’t a workaround to a game that presents Factions/Seasons and heavily markets Online play. That’s just false advertisement.


I’m pretty sure steam and Epic games will give you 30days to refund a game if you have a reason.

I’ll do whatever I want, such as complain about a non functional product I already paid for before your one week waiting period

you aint my daddy!

Masterclass about WHAT? Entitlement? Like people actually paying real money they potentially earned with a hard work feeling they are entitled to recieve a product that was advertised?

Are you even real?

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false, i have 6 hours game time, steam will not refund.

edit: changed wording to game time, we cant really call it ‘play’ time.


Welp this sucks, I guess my weekend is going to be replaying Elden Ring instead

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It is clearly what you’re best at.

You making excuses about poor planning and even worse problem resolution is whats crazy to me…“RIGHT NOW” would of been 3 days ago…try again lil bro

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Why would they be considered undereducated? They paid for a service that was not provided, and that is the truth. If you are indeed a senior as you claim, then we both understand that in various industries, such an outage would be deemed unacceptable, and people would likely be dismissed immediately for failing to adhere to nearly all standard practices.



“Hey guys, this new bridge that just opened up collapsed, can we complain yet?”

“No!! Construction is hard! It was just a design bug, give them time to fix it”