1.0 Server Status Thread

that guy is gonna tell us how Wolcen was a great comeback story next…

How much they paying you lil bro?


People need to stop making excuses for them. The game was in early access for years. I bought the game in 2021 to support them and have waited for full release. They should have fix this in early release. If the game is not ready for full release, then they should’ve waited, and the game should have stayed in Early Access a little bit longer. NO ONE would complain about the bugs then.

What did they test in early access if this is happening? I would assume that making the game playable at full release would be a priority.

I wouldn’t say anything if the game was still in early access, but its not.


Your level of comprehension is not knowing the definition of comprehension apparently.

Keep up he good work, the game is awsome, this problems, once solved, will make you better and better. Shit happens, working hard and being honest is the best thing you can do!


Then again, the fans of this game since alpha, (aka. early access which I guess by this time haven’t changed much) would probably tell you otherwise. Blindly defending it.

You’re entitled even if you have a valid opinion and valid criticism. This is how it works here. Criticism isn’t taken into consideration.

Trust me if it was the game wouldn’t be borked. The netcode is complete spaghetti, and offline you have tons of glitches. Which people know about and have been reported for months (some for years).

But they will be re-reported many times. (As soon as people can play the game lol)

So yes, people have the right to be disappointed, you will be too soon.


because launch day counts as day 1, not day zero

but seems like a silly semantical point anyway

If it takes more than a week, there is a much larger problem with their software, and then yes, it is time to complain.

bruh !

Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.” - Yogi Berra

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Not really, I just don’t like exaggeration. It’s been 2 days not 3 since it launched. Absolutely needs fixing asap etc.

thank for letting everyone else know when its acceptable to voice their opinion for a product they already paid for!!! u so samrt!

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is the global chat offline or something? cant see or write anything

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I’m accustomed with horrible launches but i have to say it is starting to be a bit too long…

if there is a problem with their scalability, aka a bug

This shows me you know nothing about modern system architecture. Load balancing failures are not a bug. It’s a flaw - poorly written and/or designed.

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I don’t need to be paid to understand their issues. As a very senior software dev, I understand what they are going through, and I am tired of watching the under educated masses cry and stomp their feet like petulant children because they can’t play with their toy “RIGHT NOW!”. Even my son knows how to have some patience and wait.

Why do you get to decide when people can start complaining?


*game has critical design flaw

“its just a bug!! its happens guys, geeez!!”

shameless apologists like this guy crack me up


global chat wasnt working for me the last time i was on (like an hour ago)

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Also - I get to decide when complaints can officially start. One week! You can complain in one week!!

Dude must be trolling.