1.0 Server Status Thread

okay man. out of the million and more people who own this game go to each of them and ask if what there gpu usage is during loading screens.
get back to me when you get that answer.
until then you cant say its only happening to “x” amount of people or its a “you” until you officially know XD

Same, can’t progress past Return to Gaspar. Obscenely bad launch to this point.

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calling complaints for a non functional product after purchase “entitlement” is just mindless consumerism


yeah this is really bad for the health of the game.
casual players will experience these problems and give up and get a refund.
if this isnt fixed by today and it goes into the weekend this will be a massive problem for the future of the game. because people will always remember this as the game with the major shit show launch


take a break for a few hours, try again

it is what it is

I like the game, I like EHG a lot. But this launch is atrocious.


If it is still crappy in a week, then yes complain, but we are day 2 of relesase for a massive online launch. There are bound to be bugs. I would be crappy at them if they were not fixing them, but this thread is a testament to all the work they are doing and giving constant updates on it.

So yes, “Entitlement” is a good word for it.


I was one of those people defending this game day 1 about the issues…day 2 I was a little annoyed so I just didnt comment…but bruh…3 days of this is crazy…anyone defending this is just delusional…


comparing an inaccessible online game to “bugs” is one of the most intellectually dishonest conflations I’ve seen yet

please keep talking, it will be wildly entertaining

Welp, I found the person who has never worked in the corporate world, let alone a technical one. I write software for a living. I have been a key contributor in many go-lives. There are always bugs, and things you can not for-see. With any piece of software, there is going to be bugs that need to be fixed, that is why they release patches for them. Crying because you can’t have your game “RIGHT NOW!!1!!” is horribly childish.

boooo, you can do way better than that!!

come one, hit me with some pointless credentialism at least

We will continue monitoring players log files on moday :slight_smile:

While people’s complaints might be exaggerated, you are even worse by downplaying things.

It’s day 3, not day 2.

Also these are more than just “bugs”. People can’t log in to play a multiplayer game. Calling that a bug is disingenious.


My brother in Christ, they are selling people the product now. They are entitled to a working product now. They weren’t entitled to a working product 2 weeks ago or 2 years ago, when it was in early access - you’d have had a great point then! But this is the official release. One-point-oh. They are charging people money for a service that they aren’t actually capable of delivering.

Entitlement is a good word for it. You’re right about that.

Because it’s what they’re actually entitled to.


Sometimes, people are actually entitled to things.


However, imho there is a fine line between voicing a justified, constructive opinion and becoming offensive or even toxic. (Of course, this is a thing which regards both sides.)

And that (among other things) is exactly what can be learned from the thread, I guess.


They literally told you what the problem it, I am sorry you didn’t understand it. They are having issues with their containers that are running the matchmaking API’s. So while other services are working, the Matchmaking one is having issues. The Match Making is also one of their latest services to be developed. It makes sense that they ran into issues because they have never had this kind of service load before. Now while load balancing, etc is nice, if there is a problem with their scalability, aka a bug, then we get what we have here today.

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you can criticize the tone of a message while still acknowledging its validity

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Yes but I feel like people in a week from now will be saying “It’s only been a week, give it a month and then you can complain!”

As others have said, I’m on EHG’s side and I understand the difficulties etc. But I also wanna play the game lol


Please tell me how it is day 3. The game launched at 5pm GMT on the 21st. It’s now 6pm on the 23rd, therefore it is 2 days, and 1 hour, that doesn’t round up to 3…

telling people that the product they purchased does not work is a justification for it not working??

online mode is literally not functional for hundreds of thousands of customers, we aren’t talking about “bugs”, its core functionality

i want to thank the developers for fixing the issues for this wonderful waiting simulator