1.0 Server Status Thread

Not sure how this got past testing, but the game is CLEARLY using all the graphics textures and effects on very high even if you manually select everything on very low.

Surprised this made it past testing, even more surprised it hasn’t been patched in 3 days.

I would really like some statistics on the average age of people complaining you all sound like children.


its a moving target, just describing my experience and what i have seen others express

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100% i only have a lvl 18 mage in ONLINE and testing stuff for a few hours now in OFFLINE, it´s stillsuper fun and gonna buy the MTX later on when they´ve fixed the servers…

PS: It´s nice and chill to have a beer and just F around with other chars offline until online gaming comes :smiley:


Youre spreading fake things, just lock your fps if you have a problem, that is an in game setting. wtf , I can play uncapped if I want I bet it will go smooth. Don’t make this a bigger problem then it is, exactly because this problem does not apply to everyone doesn’t mean it’s bugged, maybe you gpu is bugged :smiley: or whatever is not compatible with some settings

Thanks, now i can die happy :stuck_out_tongue:

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1.0 rolled out some pretty big graphical updates, new models, new riggings, etc

hard to tell how much testing was done since it was a closed test

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Could you also fix rampage bug? animation is stuck with unending storm constantly

Exactly , I was playing offline mode a lot before launch, so now I have patience to wait.

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dude. literally people on here are saying they are having almost 100% gpu usage during load screens. that should never happen. thats on the devs for not setting limits.

dont sit there and say its a “you” problem when countless others are having the same problem


is that the bear form movement ability?

If so, that skill is a channeled ability. If you press and dont hold you can get some weird results. Try holding it down for at least a second and see if that clears it up some

Just one opinion off the charts:

The more one is involved in coding, the more humble one gets. Let’s say, one guy out of 90 copy-pasted a variable descriptor including a hidden internal link to a shared resource. Of course, the change was documented in version history - without the unwanted hidden link tho. Now this variable, describing something completely different, messes up with the content of the original one - and nobody knows where to look at. If only you knew it would be a matter of five minutes. Without that knowledge panic ensues because you seemingly looked up everything thrice already - and thus it takes days to find it. Next launch, that probably won’t happen so much, the launch after even less. Look at PoE and how smooth patch days now go for them. There have been different times…

I paid double my share, I am patient and convinced in the potential of the game. They’ll learn, I’ll give them some slack. Good luck in finding the bug(s).

That being said, this thread is a masterclass about entitlement. I really plan to use that for future reference in education. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you for being a voice of reason.

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Really ? Countless others? Maybe count and then say countless, I bet it’s gonna be less then a 100 ppl out of hundred thousand, not saying it’s not a problem , but instead of just reporting it people sit here trashing devs for some kind of bug that happened for “countless” xD people , it’s not that it’s not the problem it’s the way you guys behave

is anyone elses load times getting worse?
its taking now about 10 minutes to get to the loading screen and then another 5 minutes to get past the loading screen


The only thing people feel entitled to ITT is a working product, having paid for it. It is not an unwarranted sense of entitlement, it is an actual, quasi-contractual (in spirit, where “I exchange money for goods and services, and receive said goods and services in good working order” is the contract) entitlement that they are quite literally entitled to.

Sometimes, people are actually entitled to things.


Im on of those with extreme High Gpu load on loading screens! 80-90% gpu usage fans stars ramping :slight_smile: 2080TI


yep, seems pretty common, online is essentially unplayable right now

thats crazy, sorry dude

I can understand a lot, but being unable to play for days is a tad bit underwhelming, hope this fixes soon. It is not a great way to celebrate the launch