1.0 Server Status Thread

Mate that is not the case at all, stop implying lies to others. Maybe it’s a bug with certain video drivers or gpus, I have locked 60 FPS never had any issues and so did most of others.

I must have misread your post. That seems really odd. Memory leak related to the servers failing to create the new instance maybe?

“if i dont experience it, its not real”

Turn volumetric lighting down from ultra to very high. Fixed all FPS/GPU load issues for me.

I have LE and mumu12 (android emulator) open which both takes load on gpu. When I do stuff in mumu load barely moves, when I teleport to different zone in LE and loading screen hits gpu load skyrockets. So there must be some kind of bad optimization there.

I have it on very high by default. Havent messed with options at all.

is on very high here, still 98% gpu load at loading screen

yeah because you have “locked” fps. if you dont have locked in can run rampant. because something doesnt apply to you doesnt mean its a lie. stop spreading fake things

that also appears to be the biggest current issue in game, zone transitions and stability

regardless, good luck

  1. Not exactly but look at the famous The Day Before.
    I am NOT saying that EHG are equally scummy but at this point i can judge only what i see and all i can see is someone posting some meaningless info about progress that i cannot verify ingame.
    From 21 february to today all that has changed is the message on the top of the screen.

  2. i beg the differ.

  3. And what is “my level of comprehension”?
    If by “comprehension” you mean buying stuff and expecting it to work then i am guilty as charged


95+% GPU usage on RTX4090 while CPU chilling on 20-22% all time :'D 4K Ultra settings.
I wouldn’t worry much about it, if the temp is below 80C

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Anyone else stuck in queue? The number won’t go down

Congratulations on being post 3000!!!

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i have passed the file and its hrrible, i cant play, when i got to portal or other like that, 5 min loading

que seems to be fickle this morning, some people have success by restarting when the que seems to stop moving for like 5 mins

in game, it appears infinite load screens are back and people rarely transition from zone to zone

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Delisting is only disabling ability to buy the product.
And i wholeheartedly hope they are using their own server statistic tools, not only steam stats.

ALT F4 brother

Okay, just confusing to me because I thought only the infinite load times (LE 61) was the main issue. Didn’t know that the queue thing was also a problem, maybe I got lucky up until now

EHG - Please hire some more people or buy some more server space, you are currently top5 all time popular game on steam global wise, surely u can spend some extra bucks for what you earned on release, do it for the players who want to play your amazing game, otherwise you will lose this race soon to POE or worse…D4, no one wants that but your are running out of time for your players patience, remember most of us coming here from places like POE and D4 and we already had been disappointed by devs…


i wait 2 days for play, i test the 21th the 22th and today we cant play again is it normal ?
no !