1.0 Server Status Thread

try walking back to the previous zone and then returning.

No Friend-Requests, no zoning, online-mode unavailable ā€¦ i donā€™t know if you can call it ā€œpatienceā€ when you force someone away from an activity.
Pretty disappointed, now the weekendā€¦ will it improve? Can pigs fly?

ā€œfully functional offlineā€

eh, sort of

How is the merchants guild in offline play? The resonance system and item gifting, how does that work in offline? This game has a cosmetics store, supporter packs, etc. You literally cannot use any of those in offline play. So ya, its fully functional offline if you life to yourself

Is the queue supposed to show your progress? Iā€™ve been #2848 for the last 20 minutes.

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people in game are getting infinite load screens and then disconnecting

stop trying for at least an hour IMO

god this game is just a major shit show.

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why is there 98% gpu load on a 7900xtx, in the LOADING SCREEN? 35% normal load in town


trying to divide by zero maybe?

loading zones is clearly not functional ATM, it is what it is

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Again, it is fully functional OFFLINE mode, offline kinda means offline and not lan game, but you can play the whole game no lags, no loading screens, just pure gameplay and if your concern is microtransactions then mate I donā€™t know what to tell you if you canā€™t wait for that. I have 300 points in my account and havent bought anything yet cause in game armors and weapons look cool so no stress. See you sir are just looking to complain about something, so there is no way to argue with someone like you, you will find a thing to complain about even though clearly you can play full game- end game in offline , try out a different character ,play around with a build and come back to online mode when itā€™s working well. And of course , you can refund and forget about the game.
P.S. IF you buy microtransaction first thing after buying a game that is just on you and you gotta stop blaming others, game will work fine soon, no one forced you to buy anything without trying it out first. Thatā€™s just lameeeooo

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I beat the queue boss and got in the game, but then I couldnā€™t talk in Global chat. Anyone else?

Rarely people have this stuff, it might be some kind of memory leak or whatever, remember in diablo 4 people had their GPU burned in some occasions. For me there is no problem, my pc feels nothing at all

Exactly, offline inherently cannot be what the online version is. The overwhelming majority of the player base purchased the game for the online experience. Grouping, trading, etc.

Suggesting I play a racing game to compensate for a vehicle that wonā€™t start makes about as much sense. Ya, they are similar, but clearly not the same

that wasnt a d4 problem. that was a 3080 problem

In game chat has been about the only thing functioning well in my experience. Load screens and zone transitions appeared to be totally borked just a few minutes ago.

good luck


I have 7900xt and have 60% load just in character screen ā€¦

EDIT: went to city - and iā€™m at 25%

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sounds like an optimization issue

start tweaking in game settings to see what changes

because this small indie company doesnt know how to set limits in loading screens. like during loading screens in some games the frame rate is uncapped so you get like 1000fps or more. thats horrible for gpus

No one is racing anything , some people already in end game while some are stuck in first town, there is no world first races and I bet you wouldnt have raced anyway so what the hell, again you finding problem where there are not. And they clearly said before release that they really hope this will be a smooth launch, no one promised , no one said it is 100% gonna be like that so why be so mad, either refund or wait like everyone else and get over it. I donā€™t care about any racing , you can alwaays get to arena rankings no matter when you start

I know! I was really enjoying the global chat when the game didnt work yesterday and today :smiley: And then it doesnā€™t work for me itā€™s like Iā€™m playing on offline mode when Iā€™m not. Hopefully I didnā€™t say anything too edgy and now Iā€™m blocked from itā€¦ lol

It is not settings issue - loaded city and im at 24/25% gpu load. Loading is fked up somehow without limiter or something.