1.0 Server Status Thread

Im playing in SA . 3 minutes loading screens but the rest of the game is 0 lag, far better than 0.9.

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Can you switch characters to different servers or are we locked in?

Online play unavailable …again

Yup, I’ve been playing on the Asian servers and avoiding NA ones. If I have any difficulties logging in I alt-F4 and change to different regions.

Thank you. There is hope then.

I love this communication. Keep it up! And god speed on the updates!

Logging off. Hope you all get on. Dont be too bummed. Catch you on the greasy side!

I have rarely experienced it myself (over 3k hours of play), but complaints about it have been rife in chat for a long long time.

people either can’t even get logged in currently, or once you are in, you get an infinite load screen

that is the experience right now, at this moment

Things are not good, the launch is failing. You can like the game, support the devs, and be honest about the current state all at the same time. These are not mutually exclusive, they are reality


I can’t even log in, shame as it’s the start of the weekend, but I’m sure they’re doing all they can. I do think they should probably do a full cycle reset though, doesn’t feel fair that some players have got multiple characters into the mono’s and some of us are level 4!

My main quest is BUGGED for almost 24hrs. I cant progress the main story! What are you guys doing? Did you even test the game? How can happen that the MAIN QUEST is bugged in full released game?

And now your support tells me i have to wait 3-5 BUSINESS days for answer? In that tone i should just refund the game and download pirated version to play offline

What’s bugged about it?

Its not bugged i finished it 2 hours ago

I know it’s a bad launch and I agree, I am just not trashing on a company like a whiny girl that you yourself pretend to be. I don’t start rallying people to not trust them ever again, I understand this is a small company with good intention and an amazing game that is gonna be fixed.

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if you fail to load and disconnect in the middle of a load screen you cannot waypoint to after you log back in, you are bugged

ok fan girl, w/e you say

The quest “The Keeper Vault” I need to talk to the Keeper guard, she is marked on the map, but when i click on her, nothing happen, she just say “Hmm…”

I had that too, had to create a new character lol.

See , you make yourself look stupid. I am not a big fan, I have plenty games I like and I dont waste my time talking crap for a bad launch of the game which also has a fully functional OFFLINE mode that I actually played for months before launch so now I can wait and play something else until it is fixed. You on the other hand just here to talk and you cant even stand up for what you say cause you say it to just say it. Go play something else, refund the game, happy days.

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This is the quest with the old man? That you have to save and all? If so, my friend’s quest was bugged, and he had to come back to the place where you find him, and do it all again.