1.0 Server Status Thread

The law says otherwise. If you really do not like the product you purchased, you are most likely within the 30 day return window to get your money back. Stop wasting your time and do something more productive with your life.

EU West is not working
With each portal I change to USA East.
Guys, how could it be possible to break the working version of the clientā€¦ Day 3 is a waste


ā€œmy trailer park is way nicer than the one you live inā€

Are you sure? I can play D4 right now - I canā€™t say same thing about LE!

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Im sure Jabroni. Know your role!

gonna make a guessā€¦

either an extreme libertarian bordering on anarchist or early 20s overly educated idealist with limited life experience and inflated sense of self

Regardless, nah bro, consumer protection laws are all over the place

Consumer Protection | Georgetown Law

As much as you guys may not want to, itā€™s probably time to cough up some of your profit and remedy this issue in a quicker fashion. Youā€™re selling an incomplete service.

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Says who? the game has steadily gotten more stable since launch. Last night I had almost no issues for my 2 hours. 2 hours ago high player count was 175k Last hour it was 188k Now itā€™s up to 191k

Sounds like the people trying to review bomb and claim the game is totally unplayable are not getting what they wanted, and thatā€™s for the game to fail.

Just came home, servers still not online, guess itĀ“s back to trying out some builds at Offline and having a few Beers and a relaxed moment :smiley:

They should update everyoneā€™s game to the Ultimate Edition for free due to all this downtime we are incurring. Who is with me upgrade everyone to Ultimate Edition for free!!

Of course you can, thereā€™s like 2 people playing D4. Blizzard should rent their servers to LE.

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I understand bad launches - but this is sad that we havenā€™t really seen any improvements this far along into the launchā€¦ they had years upon years to get readyā€¦?

If youā€™re gonna argue, atleast donā€™t be wrong. They literally had a stress test a month ago.
They also had an open beta, before you bring that up

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7:32AM Last update. Come on its been 3 hours and no new updates. They are to busy working on the screen shots and the publicity of the free bee pet they are now going to give us. Come on we just want to play. Whats the latest update?

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Not really dude. I just finished my work, logged patiently to the game, played 10min and got kick out. Tried again, got kickout/disconnected again. Now Iā€™m back in the city and stuck on zoning.
How do you call it stable? It may be stable in off hours, but we have jobs you know. I cannot afford taking day of just because I want to play. Iā€™m not a streamer as well - tho it questionable how they got 80+ lvl characters already when game is soo unstable.


Virtually no improvement for Europe. Still feels as bad as day 1.


Ok my bad than. Thanks for that info - I was not aware of that.

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Iā€™ve given up, supported this project in Beta, but anytime I have time to play as a normal user pretty much everyone else can play too (outside of work etc).
Iā€™ve lost faith in their ability to manage traffic, and put quite frankly, they donā€™t seem to understand what the error is or they would have told us (open communication).

I kept on for a few days, but this isnā€™t worth it. Shame game felt amazing to play and the 1.0 feature was incredible (got about 120 hrs of time so not the largest player, but enough to understand the game atleast).

Hope you guys have more luck!

yeah. I feel u.

but maybe another day, another weekā€¦

Getting close to this conclusion. Iā€™m so over this