1.0 Server Status Thread


if they choose to sub contract or lease integral parts of their product deployment, who exactly is responsible for that specific choice? grow up dude, they chose their own path and are reaping what they have sown

yeah thank you so I will go to offline mode today untils servers fixed and go for the Loot Guild

caveat emptor.

Ngl, if I didn’t have Persona 3 Reload to play I’d be pretty tilted by now.

What a bunch of Cody Crybabies. Still better than The Day Before! Go play some Deep Rock Galactic Survivor while you wait. This game is gonna be awesome.

im playing P3 and granblue while this is not fixed

that example doesnt work here lmao, good try

I never said it wasn’t their responsability, but just that they don’t have direct control over it. Yes, it’s their product, but if a supplier fails to deliver, that is not a design failure.

Shall I quote this to every single person that complains about servers not being available?
Well, your fault for buying a game with online mode, hur dur!

It’s not feasible to do everything yourself. If you ever live on your own and got a broken heater or faucet, you’ld know that calling a plumber will often be cheaper and better than trying to fix it yourself. Sometimes, the plumber’s work will mess with your shower’s warm water, but calling that your own damn fault for calling the wrong plumber is just being an assbag.

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but its not unplayable.

EU West is unplayable.
EHG - it’s a pity that you’re not working 24/7 on fixing issues. I know that you have small team, but you should have planned ahead of launch, to have teams in rotation at least in first week, to had support 24/7 just in case.
Also you should had a stress test a month a go, but you didn’t. Now you are loosing milions in refunds.

It’s a pity, as game is kinda good. And don’t tell me to play offline - I didn’t bought this game to play solo. It’s a third day of making excusess with no fixes in sight. Come on!


Have you guys considered hiring someone who knows what they’re doing?


I can’t go to any server and everything is lagging, can’t get out of keepers camp. What a trash game. is there a way for steam to refund us

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People need to chill out and understand that there is nothing the devs want more than for us to play the game as soon as possible, let them fix the issues.

Imagine crying like a entitled brat.

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smooth brain detected

selling a defective product has consequences for good reasons

It is and its gonna be 3 days unplayable soon.

And they wonder about the negative reviews. They will keep getting them.
Even tho the game is not fully functional.

When a game is out of Early access all its functions should be available.
This is why the trend will continue until its fixed or stoned with poor reviews.

For who would like to just say Thank you to the devs for this fantastic game, reply here!

3 days into release and still no fix. Come on this is crazy game is unplayable online. On top of that we got an update this morning stating updates and patches and then silence. What is going on here? Is the game ever going to be fixed and playable for online?


Even in its current state its better than D4


Just because you could. You don’t need that much of reason to be what you want to be.

But you can’t. You see, you can be mad and still be polite. If you gonna be dependent so much of other people respect, well, you will be fragile as fu@#$ in life.

And this is not a matter of they being desrespectful. The opposite. They are constantly pivotting your angry to you feel included in this process. The world don’t spin around ya.

Nintendo and Blizzard are disrespectful companies. EHG are showing from the beginning, good faith and good will.

You can be better just because you have this option.

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