1.0 Server Status Thread

Thank you for all the hard work you have done these days to make the servers better and to keep us noted on the way :slightly_smiling_face: EU still have some issues bit its better and better :+1:

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I am on EU west and I have it same like you. I lost two portals from town to the previous location. Loading times do it unplayable.

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Iā€™m gonna need a gold refund EHG please. I wasted all my gold on gambling in town because I couldnā€™t do anything else and now Iā€™m broke.


EU-West is unplayable


So you are basically asking for the govā€™t to come in and bail you out on your student loanā€¦

Oh hell no, I skipped college and went straight to gambling.

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Eh, itā€™s the same thing though.

EU West is in scrambles

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Have you seen the updates theyā€™ve done throughout past years ? Have you been playing for a long time? Likely not, so donā€™t rest on one thing that they expected not to go wrong and it did like it is everything like that that they have done before and since. If this is how you think, then Blizzard should be a dead company to you with all the lies they have told people and a lot of them were intentional lies and made people look like a joke.

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The government forced me into gambling in this case as they locked me in a room I couldnā€™t leave and left me with a slot machine. Itā€™s their fault.

I think we can, because while development is under their full control, online stuff isnā€™t.

They are not a network company, they can just hope that network engineers they hired can help them fix everything asap.

blizzard is a dead company to me, I havent given them a dime in years and have zero plans to do so ever again

launching a product that is not functionable is a giant error regardless of any comparison you try to make, why is it so difficult for fan girls to be objective?


Kinda embarrassing at this point weā€™re on day 3 and itā€™s still unplayable

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a company making a product that will be used as a live service online experience about 90% of the time is absolutely a networking companyā€¦

Yeah, I know, thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to drown my sorrows in gaming! :laughing:

A question are the Fraction available in offline-mode? Or is it the only online feature I care about atm?

Except they rent out servers from bigger companies like AWS.

If there is some issue in API calls or something like that, it can literally be out of EHGā€™s hands and be the fault of the Bezos Business.

Not saying this is the case, just that sometimes, you need to trust your suppliers to deliver your final product. And itā€™s a PITA when something goes wrong there.

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seems self evident, a mechants guild in offline play will have no value

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Everything is available offline, although if you go Merchantā€™s Guild, I doubt there will be items available in the Bazaar. CoF works perfectly fine in Offline though.

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i dont think its fair to compare d4 and last epochs launch, blizzard is a gigantic moneygrabbing company, theyve couldve easely avoided all the trouble, theyre accustumed to enormous live server services, eleventh hour on the other handā€¦ im still sad that we cant play properly, but im still certain that LE is a far superior game, even with these server issues