1.0 Server Status Thread

Imagine the whole world. Not all people sleep at the same time! When morning in the US is already evening in Europe.

Good luck! People are stressed so i cant imagine how stressful it must be for you guys (developers). Thanks for an amazing game. <3

A few hours ago I could play the only problem where loading times and now since you are ‘‘working hard’’ the servers aren’t working anymore. GREAT JOB!!!


Awesome work Devs :100: 200k concurrent in sights!

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Been watching that too, 188k at the top of the hour and trending upwards.

Been entering Sheltered Wood for 3 days now. Must be some wood.


Wow, we could understand in the first day, but cmon


godaaaamn 3rd night can’t play again

AT! Finally they woke up!

I have had the game for awhile now an very rarely experienced this.i am also sure they where working on it then an player counts where drastically lower as well as ppl who actually had an issue until the game shot player count numbers extremely high ( the issues where definitely still there). I also know other companies are completely crap this is alot better them almost 90% of the industry.

I cant play anymore :smile:

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3rd day after launch and I’m 8lvl :smiley: still can’t play

Not sure about everyone else, but I’m South America Region and every time I cross a portal/door it takes minutes to change area. Also I got disconnected twice. As for the cosmetic I haven’t received it.

is the login que even moving? is online disabled? what is actually going on?

hard to believe the amount of issues this launch is still having, wow…

I really was rooting for the the Cinderella story of Eleventh Hour Games, but it seems it really wasn’t. They just couldn’t do it after all.

The cosmetic was reported to be gifted out after they fixed all of the issues with launch. They are dealing with the important stuff up front.

connecting for an hour. Nice :slight_smile:

You guys are full of shit.

just shows how much we can trust their promises. they were “overprepared” for the launch, as their ceo put it. should we trust in their eventual delivery of new content the same way?

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Thanks for the info