1.0 Server Status Thread

When online mode will be back,is there going to be a post from a Dev or smth? Can’t log in every 5 mins to see if i can play.

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Who cares how nicely they communicate if the game just doesn’t work.
I don’t need to report every move they make, I just want to play the game.

I fulfilled my end of the deal, I paid for it, and I got this.


And this continues for the third day already!


People need sleep, you know?

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negative neckbeards in here don’t understand that

3 days after official release still massive online issues. Don’t get me wrong I like the game. But I want to play now not in 2 weeks!


Funny game was working fine and they come into work and now it’s down and working horribly…guess I wait until they go home again

you could play offline, maybe different classes just to compare them in the meantime

Imagine calling out people who are angry about shit not working 3 days after launch … imagine wanting to have a working product which you paid for … Every single time they say they fixed it … its when its night time in EU and such or people are at work multiply of my friends said it works in the morning … I wonder why and then from like 3pm its a shit fest all over again


Humans have been falling victim to their own hubris for millennia.

Yes,! But it’s not a one-man company. This is a company of more than a hundred people. All over the world. There must be people outside the US doing this.

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This is the worst game launch I’ve ever had. No company allowed itself to go to sleep until all this trash was repaired!

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imagine crying on the forums thinking itll hasten how fast they can fix it.

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This is such an idiotic argument. I don’t know if you work in a chinese sweatshop but usually people don’t work for 48 hours straight.
Some people go to sleep and others continue to work. Why do you think everybody sleeps at the same time?

I have 3 class over 90 (legacy now) on offline mode. I didn’t pay for offline mode only.

Imaging getting the wrong food order going out to dinner. Will you say nothing?

imagine saying its FINE to release broken products with a price tag

All good been loving the game. I was able to get was time in again last night without much issue.

I really love this game! Over 600 hours of playing time. But this launch sucks. And developers need to think about it. The drop in ratings from 88 to 60% proves it!

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I palyed for 4-5 hours, then Eu server died.
I switched to US and playing again.