1.0 Server Status Thread

I am 573 in queue - like people are gonna leave if they get in…ffs

it’s just embarrassing…

This latest update is rather provocative imo. It is absolutely not true that most ppl play flawlessly. This is only true in off hrs with alot fewer online. As soon as the majority comes online everything halts.

yea well, good they removed the referal bogus mtx, but I just cannot play…3rd day in a row were I literally get nothing for my money…I hate Blizzard, but this is rapidly becoming enfuriating.

Somehow this or that is fixed and 3rd day i’m stuck at few minutes long transitions between areas. That’s not called fixed.

Imagine that weekend is coming and everyone will be free :)))) and the game is left in this state.

No way on god we will be able to even play 5 min without halting this weekend, no way 100%

Unfortunately for me, since launch, i was only able to log in once for 5 minutes, and never again since. :frowning:

Devs DO something

will the offline char transfer to online/season when its back online?

Thank God for offline mode! I’m having a blast testing out different classes and builds.


If you are EU we wont hear anything now for another 5+ hours :confused:

Stuck at Login again… comeon guys …

Also discord is heavily moderated on any message that even remotely tell the harsh truth regarding how incompetent this launch has been…

Talking and posting messages regarding how well you were prepare, won’t really win you the war…It’s good to be transparent but, right now it only feels like “we are sorry” message from South Park.

I will take my hour of silence, cuz there is nothing I can do technically but the message still remains. Sleeping while your product is on fire is yeah…“good advertisement.”


lol - now im getting the steam is required to be open, even though its open. :o

Because of the rude intervention from EHG_DEREK on the general channel, that has no right to mute me, because my message was constructive and didn’t poze any kind of offense to no oe…I mean calling someone incompetent when they clearly are it’s not rude or offensive, I will just negative review it on steam…There they cannot moderate me and it affects their sales further…So good luck, hope they suffer the same fate as D4 the way they manage sittuations.

Still so much salty manchild tears here. I love it xD

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again cant online…comeon guys …

No it won’t

patiently waiting. i dont get much time to play, but since ive tried beta, i love this game. Can’t wait for it to be resolved. Super excited. No salt here, only sugar :smiley:

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